Frizz: You can do that for frizzy hair

You can do this against frizzy hair

© Satyrenko / Shutterstock

Frizz in the hair – a phenomenon that we struggle with every now and then! Find out where the frizz comes from and what you can do about it here.

How does frizz arise?

Just a moment ago your hair was well-groomed and supple – and suddenly it stands out uncontrollably in all directions? Then it's probably frizz! But what does that actually mean? 'Frizz' comes from English and means that the hair curls up. This makes the hair look dull and brittle and stick out. The cause: The outer layer of hair – the cuticle, also called the cuticle – is usually tight, similar to a closed pine cone. This makes the hair look nice and shiny.

Will the However, if the cuticle is damaged by external influences, the flakes of hair straighten up. This in turn leads to dry, brittle hair. To counteract the loss of moisture, the hair absorbs moisture from the environment, for example when it rains or when the air is very humid. If this moisture builds up under the flakes of hair, it leads to frizzy hair.

Frizz: This damages the cuticle of the hair

  • Hair structure: Those who have naturally wavy, frizzy or curly hair are more likely to have problems with frizz than is the case with straight hair.
  • Sunbathing: The sun dries out the hair and thus promotes frizz.
  • Hair dye: Frequent coloring helps to roughen the hair structure.
  • Styling tools: The frequent use of tools that work with heat, such as straightening irons or curling irons, attacks the structure of the hair. Therefore: Always think of heat protection before using straightening irons & Co.
  • Electrostatic charge: Hats and sweaters ensure that the hair is charged. With the lack of moisture, the tension cannot be dissipated … the result: flying hair!
  • Heating air: Dry heating air in the rooms and cold, wet weather outside offer the ideal conditions for frizz.

Frizz: That helps against the frizzy mane

Tired of fluffed hair? Here are tips & tricks that will help you quickly get the frizz under control. Moisture is essential for the hair! We also have a few suggestions on how you can improve hair care:

  • Hair care: Wash your hair with one Moisturizing shampoo and then uses a hair conditioner. These are Hair treatments a must – it's best to use it once a week. Also a special one Anti-frizz balm can help.
  • Reduce hair washes: Frequent hair washes dry out the hair. Washing your hair two to three times a week is enough!
  • Hair oils or hair creams: Hair oils care for the hair and give it moisture. There are suitable for example almond oil, Argan oil or olive oil, which are best worked into damp hair. Here you can read everything else about oil for hair. Alternatively, you can use hair creams from the drugstore.
  • Hair Serum: Also a serum can quickly remedy this by moisturizing and sealing the cuticle of the hair.
  • How to dry hair properly: Do you rub your freshly washed hair with a towel? That too can lead to frizz! Better to loop your hair in Microfiber towel and squeeze it out gently.
  • Correct blow drying: Blow dry from the roots towards the tips – this way the cuticle closes better. It is also best to put in here beforehand Heat protection spray on.
  • Silk pillows: Even your pillowcase can add to frizz by roughening the structure of your hair. Better: a Pillow case made of silk has an antistatic effect and thus helps prevent frizz.
  • Combing hair regularly: Comb your hair more often with a coarser brush or comb. In this way, the sebum that the scalp produces is automatically distributed in the hair. This protects against dehydration and hair breakage.

Looking for more hair care tips? Here you will find out how you can make a hair treatment yourself, how you can lighten dark hair and how you can dye your hair naturally.

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