From “Me, blue flower” to “Money Monster”, Jodie Foster, the Hollywood prodigy, in “Le Monde”

Lactress Jodie Foster, 58, will receive an honorary Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, rewarding a career started when she was only 3 years old. Long a Disney icon and star of advertising spots in the United States, it was at the age of 15 that she was mentioned for the first time in the columns of the World for his role in I, blue flower, a film by Eric Le Hung, alongside Jean Yanne, Sydne Rome and Bernard Giraudeau.

Jacques Siclier’s review, dated October 31, 1977, emphasizes that “The camera lingers on Jodie Foster, mystery of modern youth”. Curiously, the actress was not mentioned, a year earlier, in the articles devoted to Taxi Driver, by Martin Scorsese, which is his first major appearance on the big screen. She plays a young prostitute in front of a Robert De Niro as a former marine.

Linked in spite of herself to an attack on Reagan

This role is worth to him to appear, four years later, in the pages… International du World. On April 2, 1981, from the pen of Robert Solé, then Washington correspondent, Jodie Foster is mentioned in an article devoted to the attack of March 30, 1981 against Ronald Reagan, in Washington. In the hotel room of the shooter, John Hinckley, investigators find a love letter intended for the actress: “Jodie Foster told investigators that she had never met Hinckley. “

A few days later, on April 7, 1981, readers of the World learn that FBI investigators have found nothing out of the ordinary about the criminal, other than his great loneliness and passion for the heroine of Taxi Driver : “The year 1976 marks a turning point in John Hinckley’s life. In April, we plan Taxi Driver in Lubbock (Texas), where he studied (…) He sometimes shows the photo of Jodie Foster to strangers by presenting it as his girlfriend. “

Read also John Hinckley, the man who shot Ronald Reagan, released after 35 years of internment

On June 23, 1982, Robert Solé gave an account of the judgment: “A Washington court found him not guilty, (…) by reason of insanity. “ The jury retained that“He had tried to assassinate the President of the United States to show off in the eyes of actress Jodie Foster with whom he was madly in love and who remained deaf to the fiery poems of this stranger”.

A singular Hollywood figure

After disappearing for a few years to concentrate on studying literature at Yale, the star shot several films, some in France. If Josyane Savigneau is not tender, on May 4, 1984, with the last Claude Chabrol, Blood of others, the interpretation of the American amazes the journalist: “Jodie Foster is so beautiful, so intelligent, in the role of Hélène (…) that one feels ready to become unconditional of the last Chabrol. “

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