Funding for energy-saving houses: KfW applications are processed

Funding for energy-saving houses
KfW applications are still processed

Well, yes. Only recently did the federal government stop subsidies for energy-efficient houses – triggering a storm of indignation. Now there is a reversal: All applications submitted up to the funding stop on January 24 are to be processed according to the old criteria.

After the sudden halt to KfW funding, many house builders can now count on money for their energy-efficient houses. According to information from the German Press Agency, the ministries involved agreed that applications received before the funding stop on January 24 should be processed according to the old criteria.

The federal government had prematurely stopped funding for energy-efficient buildings in view of a flood of applications and high costs. Applications could only be submitted by January 24 instead of January 31. How to deal with applications that have already been submitted but not yet approved was an open question for a long time. The funds provided so far by the state development bank KfW are not sufficient for this.

According to earlier information from Economics Minister Robert Habeck, the program would have reached a volume of 14 billion euros without a stop. At the time of the stop, applications with a volume of 7.2 billion euros were still pending. According to the government, only 1.8 billion euros were available in the budget. According to the current status, those house builders who still wanted to submit applications after the funding stop and before the end of the month will initially get nothing. However, the federal government is negotiating programs that are intended to replace the previous funding.

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