Funny marketing gag – “Wood in cans”: Carpenter trio rocks to the raw material

“We would drink it. Wood in cans!” A start-up from Wieselburg recently released a rock song and thereby declared its commitment to wood construction.

Thousands of visitors are still celebrating at the Nova Rock Festival in Nickelsdorf, Burgenland, until Sunday. This year, Markus “Max” Biehl, Johannes “Josch” Scheidl and Joachim “Jocki” Scheidl from the Paradoxhaus carpentry shop in Wieselburg in the Scheibbs district are not there. They prefer to rock to their own song.Trio rocks to woodThe master carpenters are passionate about wood, which is why they have now even dedicated a song they wrote themselves to the raw material. “Wood in cans” is the name of the good piece. What does the title mean? “We love wood and what we do. Otherwise there would be nothing for us to do. We smell wood like roses. We would drink it. Wood in cans!”, the Wieselburgers sing – or rather rock.”This song was born out of a love of music and wood,” says Max, who, together with his colleagues, will certainly be remembered by some for the extraordinary marketing campaign.The German rock fans founded the small carpentry shop at the beginning of 2023. Their idea: “We want to make building a house affordable again,” explains Max. That’s why the trio is focusing on solid wood construction. From planning to execution – they oversee the construction right up to the end. In addition, the builder can do up to 70 percent of the work themselves, they explain.
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