Funny on Netflix: the creator of Dix Pour Cent takes over the world of stand-up

After the international success of “Dix Pour Cent”, screenwriter Fanny Herrero is collaborating for the first time with the Netflix platform. His new creation, “Drôle”, is an immersion in the universe of the alone on stage.

Getting on stage, grabbing a microphone and making an audience of strangers laugh is no small feat. Coming straight from the United States, stand-up is a genre that has become popular in France since the creation of Jamel Debouzze’s Comedy Club in 2006. Comedy faces an audience, without artifice, and is inspired situations of everyday life to make fun of them.

This is the main theme of Funny, the new series from Fanny Herrero. Driven by the global enthusiasm around Dix Pour Cent, the creator and screenwriter chose a diametrically opposed universe. After the glamor of French cinema, the author plunges into the basements of Parisian bars where young feathers exercise their comic potential.

To highlight this sometimes ruthless industry, she chooses four characters that everything opposes, with the exception of their ambition. There is Aïssatou, played by Mariama Gueye, a mother propelled after a sketch shared en masse on social networks; Nezir, played by Younès Boucif, a talented humorist who sacrifices his passion to help his father in financial difficulty; Bling, interpreted by Jean Siuen, actor on the decline and Apolline, camped by Elsa Guedj, a young woman who wants to break into the profession.


Mariama Gueye and Younes Boucif, shock duo in “Drôle”.

Through these four profiles, Funny addresses more political subjects beyond the sphere of stand-up, such as precariousness and inequality between social classes. The character of Nezir, for example, has no other choice but to favor his activity as a courier to earn money. The other major theme: the power of social networks. A successful sketch, acclaimed by internet users, can change a lifetime. On the contrary, a misstep can, in a fraction of a second, destroy a career and a reputation.

Behind Funny, we find, alongside Fanny Herrero, a group of screenwriters who have worked to give the texts a real boost of authenticity: Hervé Lassïnce, Eliane Montane, Judith Havas, Camille de Castelnau and Lison Daniel. In addition to this group of authors, four regulars on the scene wrote the stand-up sequences, namely Jason Brokerss, Fanny Ruwet, Shirley Souagnon and Thomas Wiesel. Guaranteed efficiency.

the Funny Comedy Club opens March 18 on Netflix.

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