Funny video: newborn baby fails to impress big brother

“I do not care”
Funny reaction: brother is unimpressed with his baby sister

Getting to know his little sister didn’t go as planned.


When Ashley introduced her newborn daughter to her son, Kole, she must have expected a different reaction. At first he seems to be extremely unimpressed by his little sister.

Her son’s unexpected reaction not only makes the parents laugh: Kole meets his little sister Kiana in the hospital. When his mother puts her on his lap, his joy is visibly limited.

“I do not care!”

It’s been a few years since that encounter; little Kole has meanwhile grown up. In 2022, the now eight-year-old became a big brother for the second time and the first encounter with his second sibling must have been different. In the video we show the unforgettable encounter with Kiana.

Sources used: SWNS,


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