Furnishing styles: Nine interior trends for your home

Do you want to be inspired by new furnishing styles for your own home? We’ll show you the nine design directions that are absolutely trendy and that you should know about.

Your home needs a change and you are probably wondering which of the popular interior design styles suits you. We went looking for the most popular styles and came across nine that you will fall in love with immediately! No matter what look you like. So that you have a precise overview of what furnishing styles are currently available and what defines them, here are a few tips from us.

Which furnishing styles are there?

When furnishing the apartment or house, one thing is particularly important: What do I like? If you are a fan of plants and bright colors, minimalism is not an option for you. It works the other way around as well. Anyone who likes the subtle is not well served with the Tropical Flair. The following styles are currently more than in demand:

  • Scandinavian style
  • Boho style
  • Industrial
  • Glam
  • Country house
  • Minimalism
  • Urban
  • Tropical
  • Maritime

Scandinavian style

The Scandi Style is characterized by its cool yet inviting charm. Swedes, Norwegians and Finns are the Scandinavians who live out this style with all their hearts. The style is almost comparable to minimalism. But the slope too cozy blankets, Candles and pillows set it apart from the supercooled minimalism.

The essential thing about the Scandi Style is the mixture of clear lines and soft edges. Just because plants and bells and whistles are used less often doesn’t mean the atmosphere has to be repellent. In addition to gray and greige, you can work with a lot of warm beige or refreshing white. The fact is, the Scandi style is not colorful, but inviting nonetheless.

Boho style

The vibe of the hippies comes through quite clearly in the Boho style. It is one of the livelier furnishing styles and is particularly impressive because of its attention to detail. Macrame, Rattan furniture, Natural fibers, plants and colorful patterns characterize the style and provide immediate cosiness in every home.

What makes the Boho style so special? It’s a mix of several styles. Industrial, urban and a bit of glam can be wonderfully combined here. The only important thing is that it doesn’t get chaotic. Boho means more organized chaos that invites you to linger.

Industrial furnishing style

The industrial look has had a good standing among interior fans for a few years. He is especially celebrated in the men’s world for his leather couches, metal furniture and stone walls. Quasi a cool men’s shack, in which women also feel comfortable. Because warm light sources ensure a pleasant ambience.

If you like it rustic, then this style is just right for you, because it is not only intended for the male world. We women can also feel comfortable in a rustic lifestyle and furnish ourselves accordingly. The industrial look can often be seen in lofts, which additionally underline the industrial flair with their decorative pipes.

Pure glam

The opposite of industrial is glam. No style exudes as much elegance as the noble look. Countless amounts of gold, silver, velor, velvet and above all – lots of Chi-Chi. The majestic ambience is awakened in particular by the right furniture, i.e. those with a metal frame and noble cushions made of velvet in royal blue or forest green. as carpet we recommend something fluffy with a slight sheen in beige or gray.

In addition to the furniture, the decoration also plays a major role. Heavy books from major designer brands such as Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. These are draped on the coffee table or sideboard along with a few fresh flowers and a simple, transparent candle glass.

Country house vibes

One of the most traditional styles is that of the country house – everyone immediately has a picture in their mind. The style is easy to explain: warm colors such as beige are used. Bed linen or pillowcases for the sofa with flounces, mostly made of linen, are often popular here. The color of the decoration looks similar. Picture Frame and other accessories should be kept in beige, mocha or white.

Speaking of linen – the type of fabric is very popular in the country house style. It looks light and yet cozy. If you want to bring the origin of the country house look into your house, then we recommend the real mountain hut charm including furniture made of solid wood and red and white checkered wooden bench furniture.


If the country house style is far too stuffy and intrusive for you, then minimalism may be more to you. Similar to the Scandi look, it’s about getting along with as little as possible. The difference, however, is that minimalism is actually about the absolute minimization of any charm. This is not a negative, because with this style you don’t have to do without cosiness. A soft sofa or a dining table in a warm shade of brown are absolutely permitted.

Everything is edgy and cold? No, not with minimalism. At least not with the right decorative elements. Just because you focus on modesty here, you don’t have to do without decoration completely. Mirrors, vases and candles are very welcome here, but possibly in a more abstract form. For example, the vase is not shaped like a typical glass, but made of clay and in the shape of a statue. The same applies to candles, which can be a little more unusual.

Urban jungle

Jungle feeling for the city center, that’s possible with the Urban Jungle. Because translated it means nothing else. This furnishing style is about mixing city life with that of the jungle and thus making the apartment more colorful. plants are especially important in this look. Not only do they look great, but they also provide improved air in your rooms as they filter out pollutants.

In terms of color, this style moves in natural nuances such as green, white, beige and brown. In addition to the plants, decorative elements, furniture and walls can also be green. If the sofa is chosen in a vegetable tone, you should keep the wall and accessories in quieter tones such as white. The interplay of colors ultimately creates the urban jungle vibe in your home.

Tropical flair

Urban jungle isn’t wild enough for you yet? How about Tropical then? With the help of cool Wall wallpaper, on which palm fronds and tropical animals can be seen, the holiday feeling is guaranteed. Add some friendly furniture made of cognac-colored wood, warm colors such as pink or yellow and of course enough plants and the look is perfect.

The flair of Hawaii, the joie de vivre of Bali or the vibe of Brazil – the tropical look transforms your home into a paradise. A particularly attractive combination of colors looks like this:

Maritime hours

In addition to the country house look, the maritime is another classic of the furnishing styles. With its play of colors of blue, white and beige, the Maritime can quickly appear Greek. If you want to prevent that, choose larger pieces of furniture. The sofa can look big, inviting and cozy. Preferably in the colors white or beige. With accessories like pillow or decorative elements, you can choose something with the color blue for the ultimate maritime look.

The same applies to the chairs and the dining table. The latter should be made of sturdy wood and can also have the undone look. The chairs don’t all have to be the same shape, but they should move in the same color field. As far as the decoration is concerned, a lot of wood and silver is in demand here. Anchors and ships are of course particularly effective for maritime hours at home.

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