G20 group promises rapid climate protection – view

In a draft of the final communiqué, which was available to the German press agency, calls for “immediate action” to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. However, it is disputed whether the G20 will also commit to a common goal of net zero emissions of greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide neutrality by 2050. Climate protection activists were disappointed with the draft text: It remains too vague.

In the document, the target year 2050 is still in brackets. China, as by far the largest producer of carbon dioxide, has so far only committed itself to wanting to become carbon dioxide-neutral by 2060. Net zero means that all greenhouse gas emissions must be removed from the atmosphere again through reduction measures. This would make mankind climate neutral and, according to researchers, the global temperature would presumably stabilize. The G20 countries are responsible for more than 75 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.

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