Game news Sony alumni acknowledges Microsoft has proven to the world that online is the future

Game news Sony alumnus admits Microsoft has proven to the world that online is the future

Competition is good. While Microsoft was inspired by Sony to launch its Xbox, the Japanese giant admits in the Power On report that the Redmond company has proven to them that online gaming is the future. If today inviting friends to share an online adventure seems normal, it was not at all the case in the early 2000s.

Power On: The Story of Xbox

This news is part of a series of articles already published or soon to be published dealing with the report “Power On: The Story of Xbox”Directed by Andrew Stephan. During playback you will find links that will lead to timecodes of the video.

From LAN to Live

By landing on Microsoft’s first game console, Halo exposes itself to criticism. “Halo had the burden of being excellent”Reveals Joe Staten, former Bungie now at 343 Industries. Finally, the title featuring Master Chief becomes this killer-app that no one believed in anymore. Sony’s Jack Tretton recognizes it, “with Halo, Microsoft had the iconic title of the platform. You had to buy an Xbox if you wanted to play it. It’s something that I have always envied and admired”. With Halo, players run tournaments locally, but Microsoft wants to make those LANs global. It was a basic promise: the Xbox was to make it possible to play on the Internet against players all over the world.. First called Xbox Online, then XZone, this service will become “Xbox live”. Microsoft organizes various meetings with players in order to find out what they are really looking for with online gambling. What emerges is that users want to be able to speak with a microphone. The goal of Xbox Live is to create a kind of virtual couch where players can easily meet and chat with each other.

The Fellowship of the Ring

During its development, Xbox Live encountered some political difficulties internally. In reality, the business model poses a problem. Several people on the Xbox team aren’t sure that subscription is a good thing. Paying to play online is risky. Xbox Live launched one year after Xbox’s release on November 15, 2002. Ghost Recon and MechAssault are the launch games in the United States. The success is overwhelming and exceeds the estimates of the American giant. Microsoft has proven to the world that online gaming is going to be the key to the future”Recognizes Jack Tretton. Halo 2 was released on November 9, 2004 and caused a tidal wave. 7,000 stores open at midnight to celebrate the event. The title generates more revenue in 24 hours than the first days of selling any game in history with its 2.4 million copies sold. Driven by the success of Xbox Live and Halo 2, Xbox even passes Nintendo in terms of console sales. Online console gaming is becoming a staple across the industry.

Power On: The Story of the Xbox is available in full via here.

Through Carnbee, Journalist


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