Game News This Player Gets a Hilarious Streak Because of This Red Dead Redemption 2 Character’s Hair

Game news This Player Gets a Hilarious Sequence Because of This Red Dead Redemption 2 Character’s Hair

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Even more than five years after its release: Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to fascinate, move, but also make players laugh. Today, we’re talking to you about a completely hilarious cinematic.

With its excessive realism, Red Dead Redemption 2 could not ignore the hairiness of its main character, Arthur Morgan. Yes, in Rockstar’s blockbuster wild west, the hero’s hair, beard and mustache grow over the hours (he can even gain weight). Enough to open the way to quite a few hair fantasies, whether in the camp where Arthur and his companions live, or in town, at a hairdresser. Be careful though, you have to wait until the cowboy’s hair is long enough to cut it to your liking (after all, it makes sense). Fortunately, for the most impatient, there is a “potion” to remedy this.

“Is this magic potion?”

This magical elixir is the Hair Tonic, which can significantly accelerate hair and beard growth in Red Dead Redemption 2. The effect time can be longer | less long depending on the quantity you ingest, and on YouTube, the videographer “Nestan” decided to take this logic to the end. In a video published ten days ago, he makes Arthur Morgan swallow 100 tonicsand the funniest thing about it… is that it triggers a cutscene right after!

The result is frankly funny, and we’ll let you watch it above. While Arthur starts the cutscene with a skull as clean as that of Agent 47 (in Hitman), he suddenly has hair and a beard that would make the group ZZ Top pale! The 100 tonics literally take less than a minute to take effect, but you still have to take the time to ingest them all. In any case, it’s a solution if you ever want, very quickly, an Arthur Morgan full of ringlets.

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