Gamescom was full of spectators, despite a logical drop in attendance

No less than 265,000 visitors thronged the halls of Cologne for five days, a lower attendance than the fairs of previous editions, which saw a continuous rise from 345,000 in 2016 to 373,000 visitors in 2019. logical fall after a break of three years, which is explained both by the health context and that more basely economic.

It is mostly side streams that Gamescom was full, well helped by the presence of Geoff Keighley for theopening night live on Tuesday August 23, followed by 12 million spectators in total. A figure infinitely higher than that of 2019, which brought together barely half a million curious people.

Present at the show, our shock team made up of Father Fidalbion, Luma, ianoo and was able to get their hands on many of the games presented on site. Thus ianoo was able to test the long-awaited Pentiment or Goat Simulator 3, while The Father sank his fangs into Evil West and Luma tried the adventure of Miasma Chronicles. All this content and many more can be found in your subscriber area.

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