Gaming News Inspired by Lady Gaga, this pop star is taking to Fortnite and it’s hilarious

Game news Inspired by Lady Gaga, This Pop Star Is Taking to Fortnite and It’s Hilarious

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It’s never too late to start playing video games! This pop celebrity knows this well and got into Fortnite thanks to a collaboration between Epic’s battle royale and Lady Gaga.

For the past few days, Lady Gaga has been available in Fortnite… The pop star has joined the Epic Games title as part of the “Fortnite Festival” – a new “game within the game” that works the same way as Guitar Hero and Rock Band. Rhythm game fans can now discover the songs Born This Way, Just Dance (not the Ubisoft title eh, the song with Colby O’Donis), Poker Face or Applause. In total, 8 tracks are included and at the same time, the artist takes advantage of his own avatar in the battle royale mode of Fortnite where 100 players compete.

Better late than never

If the news will please those who are “gaga” about Lady Gaga – for others, the star’s pixelated arrival is an opportunity to try, for the first time, Epic’s baby Games. Thus, in a message published on X (Twitter) on February 23, artist Kesha announces that Fortnite will be her very first video game… Of course, the singer, who became known almost 15 years ago for her hit Tik Tok (nothing to do with the social network) launches with Lady Gaga as her avatar:

I’ve never played a video game in my life, but let’s gooo

After this first post, Kesha published two other messages with equally funny captions. “OH MY GOD, I’M FALLING,” when his character is deployed from the air onto the map; and “maybe I should build a studio here,” as she opens the crafting interface. The adventure unfortunately ends a little further on. “OH MY GOD”, writes the artist above a photo where we see her eliminated. Unfortunately, we don’t know the place that the star landed, which is a shame.

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