Gas surcharge hits millions of Germans: This is how you calculate your additional costs from October

With the fixed price of 2.419 cents You can easily calculate your additional costs per kilowatt hour for the gas surcharge. Grab your most recent gas bill, it shows your annual consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh).

Multiply this value by 2,419, the initially specified value for the gas allocation. Example: You have a consumption of 19,584 kWh, then the additional costs for you 474 euros. Your consumption is 4,972 kWh, then there are additional 120 euros.

It will now be interesting to see whether or not VAT will be due, this is an open problem so far. If you add the VAT of 19 percent, you end up with the above examples 564 or. 143 euros. Simply multiply the net amounts above by 1.19.

Please note: The amount of the gas surcharge is not set in stone. It can be adjusted after a few months, both downwards and upwards. In addition, one can expect further market-driven, sometimes drastic price increases for gas, which will gradually reach customers.

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