“General Puga rigorously fulfills his duty without ever giving in to flattery”

The most decorated man in France received us at his home. Among its missions: to pass the great collar of the order to the President of the Republic.

Paris Match. Why choose General Puga at the head of the Council of the Order of the Legion of Honor?
Emilie Lanez. He is the man of all records. In addition to being the most decorated man in France, he is the first private chief of staff to have served two successive presidents. Nicolas Sarkozy chose him for this post in 2010, then François Hollande kept him in 2012 despite their political differences. It is therefore quite natural that the general is appointed Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor and of the National Order of Merit on 1er September 2016, after having given more than forty years of his life in the service of the Nation. This distinction is the culmination of a unique and exemplary career, and the officer fulfills this function wonderfully, insensitive to flattery and concerned with respecting tradition.

As Grand Chancellor, what is General Puga’s role?
In the Legion of Honor code, ministers can nominate candidates for the Legion. General Puga is the head of the council of the order, which has the function of inspecting the nomination files proposed by the ministers, and which chooses to refuse or accept these candidatures. If the council is in favor of the nomination of a candidate, his file is submitted to the President of the Republic, who is responsible for the final decision. In addition, the general is in charge of two schools reserved for decorated daughters and granddaughters, and of the Legion museum. It is also responsible for finding funds to maintain the heritage.

What real influence does it have on policies? Is he feared or courted?
He has no real influence on policies. He is a personality apart, outside the circles of power, and who scrupulously manages this 200-year-old institution concerned about its independence. He is certainly courted and approached by many people envious of the prestigious decoration, but remains unmoved, and rigorously fulfills his duty without ever giving in to flattery.

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