Germany bans Russian channel RT in German, Russia promises retaliation

Héloise Goy with Gauthier Delomez and AFP
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11:26 a.m., February 03, 2022

The German media regulator announced on Wednesday the ban on the broadcasting in the country of the Russian channel Russia Today (RT) in German, launched on December 16 and already deprived of satellite distribution, amid tensions between Moscow and the West. “The broadcast of the RT DE television program”, which can still be consulted on the website and a mobile application, was “prohibited” because “the necessary authorization according to media law” was “neither requested nor granted”, according to a statement from the federal agency ZAK.

A precedent from the launch of the channel

Youtube had already suspended Russia Today’s German language account the day it was launched in December and, a few days later, the channel’s satellite broadcasting had been suspended at the request of the German authorities. RT DE then replied that the blocking was “illegal” and the result of political pressure exerted by Berlin, and Moscow had threatened reprisals. The channel is headquartered in Moscow and has a Serbian license for cable and satellite transmission, which RT says allows it to be broadcast in Germany in accordance with EU law.

The German authority ZAK, however, considers the Serbian license insufficient because RT DE is produced by a company headquartered in Berlin, targeting “a German audience”. As “the broadcaster of RT DE cannot rely on another legitimate authorization under European law”, the regulator considers that “the broadcasting of the program via livestream on the internet, the mobile application, applications for connected televisions and via satellite must cease”.

RT sparks controversy in many countries

The ban comes in a very tense context between Russia and the Europeans on the Ukrainian issue, with Westerners suspecting Moscow of wanting to invade Ukraine. Launched in 2005 as “Russia Today”, the state-funded RT has grown with broadcasters and websites in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, German and Arabic.

Seen as a propaganda tool of the Kremlin internationally, she caused controversy in many countries, notably in the United States, where she had to register as a “foreign agent”. In Britain, the authorities threatened to withdraw its broadcasting license, and the channel was banned in several countries, including Lithuania and Latvia. To justify the suspension of the account of RT in German, Youtube had explained that the channel violated its directives in the fight against disinformation about the Covid-19.

The Russian boss of RT France wants to continue broadcasting

The boss of the Russian television channel RT, Margarita Simonian, promised on Wednesday to continue broadcasting in German despite the ban made by the local regulator, amid tensions between Moscow and Westerners. “It’s nonsense,” Margarita Simonian said on Twitter, commenting on the German regulator’s decision, adding that her channel, known for promoting the Kremlin’s position abroad, “will not stop broadcasting” in the country.

Russia also promised on Wednesday “retaliatory measures” against German media present in Russia, denouncing as “political” the ban on the Russian channel RT from broadcasting in Germany by the local regulator. “This decision leaves us no choice but to take retaliatory measures against German media accredited in Russia,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

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