Get there faster: Mattermost 6.2 with autocomplete function

With version 6.2, Mattermost has included some improvements. An autocomplete was set up for private channels. With the tilde character ~ plus the channel name, users are shown a list of the appropriate channels. The cards on the boards also have an autocomplete function, so that you can find personal names more quickly and no longer have to type them in. To do this, users add an @ sign, followed by the first letter of the name.

The playbooks have been updated in terms of usability and tracking of runs. Playbooks are configurable checklists that development teams can use to fine-tune workflows, manage and streamline tasks. They are included by default in addition to channels and playbooks from version 6.0.0. Among other things, users now receive notifications when something changes in the status of a project run. A search and filter function as well as the option to share URLs of individual runs are also new.

A new calendar view in the boards shows the tasks of the teams. The cards can now be moved using drag-and-drop in order to update tasks directly from the calendar. The new version also provides a revised license page on which sales teams, for example, can be added with one click. It also notifies users in good time before a license expires.

Mattermost is open source and can be integrated into Jira and GitHub. Further information on Release 6.2 can be found in the changelog.

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