Gifts for dogs: 14 tips for happy fur noses

Having your own dog is an asset to life. That is precisely why you want him to always be fine. We’ll show you how you can really spoil it for Christmas, for a birthday or for Easter!

The dog – at that time mainly used as a farm animal, for example for hunting, herding sheep or taking care of one’s own home – is now an integral part of every family and receives at least as much love from their people as any other family member. This is hardly surprising, because after all, their kind nature makes them man’s proverbial best friend for a reason. And you always like to give gifts to best friends and make them happy. Now we’re going to tell you about the 14 best toys, items of clothing and treats that you can use to make your dogs’ eyes sparkle.

14 gift ideas for your dogs

Cloth football

Not only do we humans like to play with a soccer ball, but dogs too. To ensure that this works in the apartment and that no lamps or vases are knocked over, we recommend a fabric ball. Furniture giant IKEA offers two sizes of the SPARKA fabric balls so that there is something for every dog ​​- also for the little ones. And the practical thing: your dog can shake the ball back and forth really nicely. But do not worry, this is not a sign of aggressiveness, but a very normal process when playing and can be traced back to previous hunting behavior, as the prey was killed by strong shaking at that time. However, your house dog will not feel murderous while playing!

Chewing ball for cleaning teeth

If you want to kill two birds with one stone, then there is one Ball with pimples just the thing in the gaps! So your dog can chew on the ball with relish without destroying it and at the same time also cleans his teeth by the friction of the knobs on the teeth and gums.

Agility set

You can improve your dog’s physical and mental abilities with the help of a Agility sets explore and expand. Whether jumping, crawling or classic hurdles – your dog is challenged in many areas and will be grateful to you for this workload.

Sniffing carpet

Speaking of exercise, did you know that if a dog engages in mental stimulation for 15 minutes, it has the effect of one hour of physical exercise for him? So if, for once, you have little time to offer your dog physical activity, this is the right one Schuffle Carpet excellent as an alternative. You simply hide a few treats in the compartments that your dog then has to sniff out. Alternatively, you can take an ordinary blanket, distribute the treats lengthways, roll up the blanket and knot it once. Unraveling challenges the dog just as mentally as a sniffing carpet. Important: The way to the dog place for a run and the contact with other dogs should under no circumstances be permanently replaced by such a toy!

Interactive dog toy

You can control your dog’s intelligence with one interactive dog toy check. Three cups, each with three circular openings, are filled with treats. Since they are lined up on a pole, your dog has to turn the cups so that he turns the openings towards the bottom and the treats fall out. After the first few attempts, your dog should understand the game and you can use it mentally.

Dog rope

Trial of strength with the dog? The dew optically offers the perfect opportunity for this, but especially when your dog is still young, you shouldn’t do that. Because as soon as he gets hold of the rope, he remembers that he is stronger than you and will test that in other areas as well. Therefore, prefer to use a dog rope as an alternative to other toys such as the ball.

Plush dog

Dogs also like to cuddle with plush toys – or use them as toys. However it is used, your dog will be happy to have company in his dog bed. Especially if it is one Plush dog acts!

Orthopedic dog bed with memory foam

Since we’re on the subject of dog beds, how about a new one? Thanks to the memory foam this is orthopedic dog bed from Joyelf not just totally comfortable for your darling. The cover can also be removed and is therefore very easy to wash. And so that the bed does not slip on the smooth floor when aiming for a wild jump into the basket, there are rubber particles under the upholstery.

Hunter raincoat

During cold and wet seasons such as autumn or winter, your dog should be packed well so that the fur does not get soaked. A stylish one is therefore ideal Coat from Hunter with removable, warming fleece. The coat is water-repellent, reflective, washable and available in several sizes. Your dog will be happy about that and can look forward to the walk in the rain even more.

Coffee wood chew bones

Not every dog ​​can handle every bone. Either the stomach or the digestive system does not cooperate or the teeth are particularly sensitive. A good alternative are therefore Coffee wood chew bones. They are primarily not intended for consumption, but for oral hygiene and the dog’s occupation. The bone is made of splinter-free coffee tree wood and ensures that tartar is naturally rubbed off. It can happen that small soft fibers of the coffee wood bone loosen, but these are completely harmless when swallowing.

Dog treats

If an activity toy needs to be filled to arouse interest, the Dog treats also like to be a little smaller and have a more intense smell. Snack boxes that offer different shapes and flavors are particularly suitable for this.

The dog snacks are also good as a reward, but here you can also enjoy classic ones dog biscuits resort, which come in three different flavors and are fortified with vitamins and minerals. Thus, they support the immune system and bone structure.

Extra fun in summer

Dog water dispenser

Unlike cats, dogs love a nice game of play in the water. This can best be combined with a drinking fountain that the dog has to activate himself. The device is connected to a tap so that the pedal can release a jet of water when operated with the paw. But it is not only suitable for drinking Water dispenser, because when the pressure of the water increases, a play fountain is created that your dog will enjoy – the perfect cooling off on hot summer days.

Dog pool

When it comes to cooling down, there is a second way to make your dog happy. A Dog pool, which does not have to be inflated, provides the perfect play opportunity for the summer. All you have to do is unpack the dog pool, unfold it, set it up and let the water run in. Within a very short time, dogs and children can have fun playing.

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