Giorgia Meloni unrecognizable: this surprising video of the future head of the Italian government at 19

Giorgia Meloni, the future head of the Italian government claimed victory in the legislative elections, September 25, 2022. The opportunity to look back on the past of the 45-year-old politician. A video of her at 19 resurfaces.

Giorgia Meloni claimed, Sunday, September 25, 2022, the victory of his party in the legislative elections in Italy. She is therefore preparing to become the new head of government. The co-founder of the far-right Brothers of Italy party will be the first woman to lead Italy. Thus, many videos of the politician have resurfaced since her victory. One of which was shared on her Twitter account by journalist Marie de la Chaume. “In 1996 I did a report on Georgia Meloni, she was 19 and admired Mussolini. Since then she has come a long way“, she wrote in the caption of the shared video. At that time, Giorgia Meloni was therefore 19 years old and had been an activist for two years.

It was in high school that she got into politics by joining a right-wing movement and fighting the left. “Today, its political references are those of Fascist Italy. Giorgia does not hide it“, could be heard in the report. Already at that time, she spoke French very well and defended the policy pursued by Mussolini. She also led several militant men with an iron fist. She was raised by her mother who She was herself already an activist within the Fascist party and then alongside the National Alliance, claiming to be against abortion, anti-Communist and in favor of an authoritarian regime.

Giorgia Meloni was brunette when she was younger

If the political vision of Giorgia Meloni has not changed over the years, on the other hand, on the video she is simply unrecognizable. Blonde today, at the time she was brunette with a square. Today, she will be at the head of a government where the members of Fratelli d’Italia, the League and Forza Italia should live together. Regarding foreign policy, the right-wing coalition will aim to respect the commitments made within the framework of the Atlantic Alliance while reaffirming its support for Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion. In Europe, Giorgia Meloni will promote “the Judeo-Christian historical and cultural roots and identities of Europe“.

Giorgia Meloni defends European borders

A few days before the elections, Giorgia Meloni had openly criticized European leaders. “In Europe, they are all worried to see Meloni in government, but they say what will happen? I’m telling you, what’s going to happen, the party’s over, Italy is going to start defending its national interests like the others do, and then we’re looking for common solutions“.

The defense of national and European borders is also a key theme for her. “Fratelli d’Italia is the only party that has an increase in military spending in its program. Freedom has a price and not just freedom from possible invasion. Those who complain about excessive US interference in Europe are also those who say we must not increase military spending. If Europe decides to entrust its defense to others, Europe also entrusts its freedom to them, because no one defends you for free. We defend you in exchange for a sphere of influence“, she said during a program on Rai in April 2022.

Giorgia Meloni did not have tender words for France

At a time, Giorgia Meloni had not made very tender remarks towards France. In 2018, she accused the French of being behind the bombings in Libya “because it bothered them that Italy had a privileged relationship with the energy sector with Gaddafi“. Or to denounce with force the following year, on television, the economic exploitation of Africa by France, photo of a Burkinabe child in a gold mine in support. Today, the tensions seem to have eased.

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