Glacier initiative: National Council wants a counter-proposal

The majority of the National Council supports the goal of a fossil-free Switzerland by 2050. However, they do not want to achieve this via the glacier initiative, but with an indirect counter-proposal at the legislative level. SVP representatives see humanity more threatened by cold spells than by global warming.

Global warming is causing glaciers to recede.

Alessandro Della Bella / Keystone

The National Council held a fundamental debate on Swiss climate and energy policy. The reason for this was the glacier initiative. It calls for a climate-neutral Switzerland from 2050. From the middle of the century, fossil fuels such as oil, gas, petrol, diesel and coal should no longer be allowed to be placed on the market. There should only be exceptions if no other technical variant is available.

The Federal Council rejects the initiative. Like the initiators, he also wants to write the “net zero” target for 2050 in the constitution. However, she does not want to ban fossil combustibles and fuels in principle, but wants to reduce consumption as far as this is technically feasible, viable for the economy and compatible with the security of the country. In addition, the special situation of the mountain and peripheral regions, which are less well served by public transport, should be taken into account.

Climate report shows urgency

In the council, the initiative received support from the SP, Greens and GLP. They underlined the urgency to act with the report published on Monday by the UN Climate Council. According to scientists, the consequences of climate change are becoming even more visible. Time is running out to avert the worst consequences with adaptation measures. Extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and heat waves would increase due to global warming, said SP National Councilor Gabriela Suter, referring to the report. Especially in the cities and agglomerations, where most people live, the heat leads to health problems and deaths from the heat. Green representative Kurt Egger appealed to the council: “Another wait is irresponsible towards future generations.”

Mitte and FDP also shared the general direction of the initiative. Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to net zero by 2050, said FDP National Councilor Matthias Jauslin. There is a need for action, the efforts made so far are not enough.

Too rigid specifications

But for the citizens, the guidelines of the initiative are too rigid. Even if exceptions are planned, a ban on fossil combustibles and fuels is the wrong approach. They also criticize that CO2-Compensations are only possible domestically.

They therefore support the Federal Council’s direct counter-proposal. However, it was controversial whether the linear reduction path for greenhouse gas emissions proposed by the Federal Council should be adopted. Almost unanimously, the council approved a compromise proposal by Marco Romano (centre). This provides for intermediate goals – taking into account the different starting positions of economic sectors. Greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced evenly over time.

An application by SP National Councilor Roger Nordmann just failed. After voting yes to the constitutional article, the latter wanted a program for the replacement of gas, oil and electric resistance heaters. CHF 500 million per year would have been available for this and the program should have run for seven years. The council narrowly rejected the proposal. On the other hand, an application by SP National Councilor Jon Pult to give the mountain and peripheral regions additional funds was accepted.

Glacier initiative as a deposit

The National Council accepted the Federal Council’s direct counter-proposal on Thursday by 104 votes to 67 (21 abstentions). The no votes came from the Greens and members of the SVP faction, the abstentions from the SVP. With 99 to 89 votes, the council decided on its voting recommendation: yes to the counter-proposal, no to the glacier initiative. In addition to SP, Greens and GLP, 7 representatives of the center voted for the initiative.

Even the direct counter-proposal should not be the end of the story. Because the bourgeois, but also the left, are hoping for an indirect counter-proposal. The GLP wants to keep a pledge with the initiative and support it until there is a counter-proposal worthy of the name, said Martin Bäumle. The indirect counter-proposal at legislative level would have the advantage that it could be implemented more quickly. Tactical motives may also play a role. The indirect counter-proposal only has to convince the majority of the population at the ballot box.

SVP sees no threat in climate change

The SVP is the only party that sees no real threat to Switzerland in climate change. Above all, cold periods would threaten mankind, as the past has shown, said SVP National Councilor Therese Schläpfer. It is arrogant to assume that humans can influence the growth or retreat of glaciers. Other speakers complained that the Federal Council’s Energy Strategy 2050 had failed.

The National Council is expected to comment on the indirect counter-proposal in June. He has extended the processing period for the submission to August 2023.

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