Glue eyelashes: Fast and natural

glue eyelashes
Instructions for a natural look

© phewha / Shutterstock

Do you have to be a professional to glue false eyelashes? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! We’ll show you how you can easily conjure up a perfect look with artificial eyelashes.

The reputation precedes false eyelashes, artificially to look and too dramatic to be for everyday use. In addition, sticking eyelashes would take far too long and you can’t do it yourself anyway. But we have to do that now and here immediately contradict! With the right technique, gluing eyelashes is not only quick, but the natural result will knock your socks off.

Glue eyelashes: 5 tips for a natural look

glue eyelashes sounds more complex and complex than it really is. The most important thing is choosing the right lashes – the natural appearance of your eyelashes stands or falls with them.

  1. The material of the eyelashes should not shiny because it looks like plastic compared to real eyelashes.
  2. The lashes shouldn’t too long and not too flawless being. That means: Not every eyelash should be perfectly straight, but differ in length and “direction of growth”.
  3. your own lashes in the inner corner of the eye are shorter than the outer ones. This should also be reflected in the fake lashes.
  4. There are very many specimens of false eyelashes that are very dense. Especially for beginners, this can look very strange on the eyes. So make sure that theartificial eyelashes not too full are. The “gaps” then fill in your own eyelashes.
  5. You don’t have to stick on the whole false eyelash. Make-up artists cut the desired lashes to size and stick them, for example, only on the outer corner of the eye. So don’t hesitate to put your lashes in two or even three Cutting up parts – this not only makes the job much easier, but also looks the most natural.

Spoiled for choice: strip lashes, magnetic lashes and individual lashes

There are different types of eyelashes: tape eyelashes, Magnetic lashes and individual lashes. This is how the different types of eyelashes differ:

tape eyelashes: This is the “normal” variant of artificial eyelashes, which are available in all possible versions. All false eyelashes are attached to a ribbon. You stick this band with the eyelash glue on your eyelashes.

Magnetic lashes: Magnetic eyelashes have not been on the market for that long. There are two different versions here:

  • The first variant of Magnetic Lashes is a small magnet on the eyelashes appropriate. There is an upper and a lower eyelash part. The first is placed on top of the lashes, the second below. The two eyelashes are attracted by the magnet and enclose your real eyelashes in the middle. So you don’t need eyelash glue for this. We advise beginners against these eyelashes. The theory sounds very easy, but the result is often seen not natural out.
  • The second version of the Magnetic Lashes consists of one magnetic eyelash glue and magnetic eyelashes, whose eyelash band sticks to the glue. The glue is often black and can like an eyeliner be applied directly to the eye, which should make it easier to apply the eyelashes. This variant of Magnetic Lashes is suitable for you if you like to wear eyeliner anyway.

individual lashes: Individual lashes take more time but see most natural out. Here you benefit from the fact that you can decide exactly where you want to stick the individual eyelashes on. A placement only at the outer corner of the eye looks most natural and already makes a big difference to your natural eyelashes.

Glue eyelashes in 3 easy steps

False lashes are the last step in the eye makeup routine. Before you apply lashes, you should lash your lashes with a Bend eyelash curler. This has the advantage that you can hardly distinguish the artificial eyelashes from your own eyelashes (because the fake lashes are also curved). Then you wear yours Apply mascara as usual lashes and waits for them to dry. Now eyelashes are glued!

  1. eyelashesto the Adjust eye shape and possibly trim: Without glue, place the lashes on top of your natural lashes to adjust the shape. False eyelashes are often a bit too long and would otherwise survive. Take off the false eyelashes again and simply cut them as needed with nail scissors Outside away.
  2. Some eyelash glue on the back of Hand give up. Using tweezers or a special eyelash applicator, grasp the lashes by the hairs and the lash band pull through the glue. Used little Glue, but make sure it’s on all over. Wait to apply the eyelashes until the glue has dried. You can tell by the fact that it becomes transparent.
  3. Align the mirror so that you face him downward looks. Now approach the tweezers with the eyelashes from above to the lash line. Lashes slowly, cautiously and as close as possible place on the lash line. Now press the eyelash band in the middle. In the next step you take care of the outer corners, which you also press as close as possible to your lash line.

For a particularly natural result of the eyelashes, you reach for the mascara again at the end and mascara the false eyelashes together with your own eyelashes. This connects and blends both parts of the lashes together.

Especially at the beginning it can happen that you do not stick your eyelashes perfectly to your lash line. If you still recognize the eyelash band of the artificial eyelashes, you can use one black eyeliner fill in the gaps.

Clean and store eyelashes properly

You can do good artificial eyelashes up to 10 times reuse! The most important thing for a long life is the correct cleaning of the eyelashes. Use your tweezers andpulls carefully remove the glue from the eyelash band. Then you put your false eyelashes in lukewarm water, in which you give some micellar water, eye make-up remover or baby oil.

After a few minutes, pull your lashes out again, gently pat them dry, and comb them with a comb eyelash brush through. So they look like new. Store the fake lashes in a small box or in the original packaging.


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