God of War PC: Release and pre-download time

This January 14, we will finally be able to discover the license God of war on a platform other than a PlayStation. After years of exclusivity, the franchise is coming to PC, via God of war, the 2018 critically acclaimed GOTY. Many are therefore to be expected, on Steam and the Epic Games Store. The good news is that it can be pre-downloaded, so you don’t waste time on launch day, especially since it weighs quite a bit (around 70 GB).

God of War PC release and pre-download time

As for the pre-download, Santa Monica said it was going to be available on January 12, starting at 5 p.m., two days before its big launch. Note, however, that the schedule corresponds to a pre-download made on Steam, as regards the Epic Games Store, no information has yet been given.

As it concerns exit time, which is the time from which it will be possible to launch God of War on PC, or simply to buy it without pre-ordering it, again, Santa Monica has already given some information. God of War PC release time is set for January 14 at 5 p.m., whether on Steam or the Epic Games Store. It will therefore be necessary to wait a few hours.

Finally, if you are not yet sure if you want to discover this adventure, which won many awards in 2018, especially in our columns, you can find our preview of the portage, in order to give you an opinion. If you are not sure you have the PC to run God of war, do not hesitate to check the configurations, here. If you want to acquire it while saving some money, our partner Instant Gaming offers it for you the sum of € 33.99 instead of € 49.99, i.e. 32% reduction.

Also note that a sequel is in the works, with God of War Ragnarok.

One competition is organized with our partner Instant Gaming, which allows you to leave with the video game of your choice, from FIFA credits or some V-bucks.

To participate, you just have to click on the following link → Choose my video game !

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