good advice to get started

The jam has a flavor of childhood, because it evokes a comfort in the morning, a gourmet break at the snack, a supplement of soul in a natural yogurt. And you feel real pride when you make them yourself.

Making jams and jellies yourself is much easier than you might think. Most importantly, you need good fruit – not necessarily pretty – but ripe and in season (you can even use frozen fruit if needed) and a little time. We admit, making jam takes a little time. But it is also the opportunity to make a large number of them and to keep them throughout the year. Another advantage: by making your own jams, you know exactly what you are putting in them and therefore it is a good way to make sure you eat healthily (by varying the proportion of sugar according to your desires).

Follow us, we explain all the tips, golden rules and recipes to get you started!

The key to a good homemade jam? Tasty fruits!

The first thing to find to know which homemade jam you are going to try: fruits! And if you neglect the quality of this primoridal ingredient since it is what will give the flavor to your jam, your recipe will be poor.
A jam with a fragrant fruit ensures a really better product, but also allows to ease a little on the amount of sugar (yes, I know below a certain amount, we border the compote and we should no longer talk collapse).

> To know everything about the benefits of blackcurrant, the Doctissimo file.

On the same subject

Which fruits according to the season?

  • Spring jams: citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), early strawberries, apples, kiwis, rhubarb and late season cherries
  • Summer jams: all red fruits (end of strawberries, end of cherries, currants, blackcurrants, raspberries), apricots, peaches, melon, beginning of plums (plums, queen-claude and plums), beginning of figs and blueberries blackberries
  • Autumn jams: pear, grape, fine blueberries, quince, figs, chestnuts, lemon
  • Winter jams: kiwis, citrus fruits and in particular clementines, chestnuts, pears, exotic fruits

© iStock

The utensils I need to make jam

The list seems long, but you can use most of these utensils on a daily basis.

Among the essential tools, you will need:
– a kitchen scale (the quantities of fruit and sugar must be precise)
– a stainless steel jam bowl (copper distributes heat better, but is not recommended for maceration) or a large casserole dish
– a skimmer and an metal ladle (plastic does not resist heat well)
– from glass jars very clean and which close
– a big wooden spoon to stir the jam (prolonged metal contact with the fruit may cause oxidation)

You can then equip yourself with a vegetable mill, if you want to make jellies, or a blender. But a good food processor will do just fine.

The base: sugar, the essential ingredient

We can dream of jam with fewer calories, but a jam without sugar, it does not exist (in this case, fruit desserts which do not have the right to bear the name “jam”, a whole nuance) . Because sugar is essential! It is he who serves as curator.
The more we reduce the sugar, the more we reduce the storage time.
This is why a jam must contain 60% sugar in total. Yes, I know, that number is scary, but it’s so good …

Among the sugars available, the most recommended are cristalized sugar (cane or beet), the blond cane sugar (more fragrant), or special jam sugars, which contain pectin for better gelation (the best known are Gélisuc © and Confisuc ©).

An ideal texture thanks to the gelling agents

To avoid ending up with too liquid jam or a poorly gelled jelly, the ideal solution is to add gelling agent.

The most popular is the pectin, a natural substance contained in some fruits. Jam sugars already contain it, so a supplement is not necessary.
For users of white or blond sugar, you can buy your pectin in the pastry section of supermarkets (Alsa Vitpris ©) or in a pharmacy. Another, more tedious possibility, you can make your own pectin, by boiling apple peels or orange peels …

Among other gelling agents, the tendency is toagar-agar, a natural gelling agent which turns out to be very effective. Ideal for making up for too liquid jam, count 1 to 2 g of powdered agar-agar for 1 kg of fruit.
Note, however, that this algae must be incorporated cold, then heated to then gel on cooling. You must therefore first make your jam, let it cool, add the agar-agar, bring everything to a simmer, simmer 3-4 min, and finally put in a pot.

See our video to know how to use agar-agar easily:

Video by Anne-Laure Mayor

Finally, always remember to add the juice of a lemon when cooking: your colors will be prettier and the texture will be firmer.
If the jam is too liquid, add the juice of 2 lemons and cook the whole for 5 min: your jam or jelly should be saved.

Cooking jams, super easy!

Contrary to a stubborn legend, jam should not cook for hours. Most of the time, 30 min is enough !
Stir your jam throughout cooking to prevent it from sticking, but there is no need to constantly skim your preparation: skim the largest part at once, and repeat the operation only if this is necessary. seems essential to you.

Precautions for top jam

Fruits are delicate foods, even when cooked.
For jams and jellies, a impeccable sterilization is essential> Carefully clean your utensils. Wash the jars and boil them 5 to 10 min.
For the lids, we advise you to opt for screw covers which have a gasket which expands under the effect of heat, thus blocking any air intake. Be aware that a cover that is already used is less effective than a new one.

Grandma’s tip : to really drive the air out of your jars, pour in the hot jam, close and put your jars upside down.

If your jams are properly sterilized, you can keep them for several years (yes, yes!). But know that a jam is better in the 6 months which follow its preparation. Beyond that, it loses its flavor. Keep your pots in a cupboard, away from light and moisture.

Once started, keep your jar in the refrigerator.

Golden rule to know if a jam is edible : no visible mold, and that characteristic little sound when opening the jar, the “plop” which indicates that your jar has remained airtight.

And remember to label your jars: mention of the date of manufacture and the flavor are essential (and yes, it is not easy to distinguish strawberry jam and raspberry jam with the naked eye …).

New flavors and decorating ideas for great jams

Today, the trend is towards mixing and mixing flavors.
To add to your jams:

  • From aromatic herbs and spices : rosemary or thyme for apricot, mint or lemon balm for strawberries, ginger and cinnamon for citrus fruits, vanilla for melon or chestnuts …
  • Delicious too, the dried fruit : walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, dried fruits (figs, apricots …).
  • Finally, be aware that flowers and vegetables invite themselves to the jam department: jelly of rose petals, elderberries, violets, hibiscus flowers … tomato, carrot, pumpkin jam, onion chutney …

Everything is possible !

Because what is beautiful is even better, take care of the decoration of your jams:
– make pretty labels
– for a retro effect, decorate your pots with gingham fabric and ribbons
– slip a stick of cinnamon or a star anise in your jars
– add a sprig of rosemary or whole flower petals in your jellies
– citrus jams and jellies will be much nicer embellished with pieces ofcandied peel

Jam friendly recipes

Pancakes (we give you all the secrets of the best pancake batter)
Homemade yogurt

Find all our jam and jelly recipes
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