Good audio books for every taste

Good audio books are a dime a dozen. It can be difficult to choose one. We present you a small selection.

Good audiobooks for every occasion

Whether washing dishes, going for a walk, breastfeeding or chilling – a great audio book is always a good idea. Since the selection is now huge, we have a small one Selection of good audio books put together for you. For inquisitive minds, thriller fans, friends of spirituality and psychology, hobby historians and many more.

Good audiobooks for personal development

The child in you must find a home

At this SPIEGEL bestseller hasn’t been passed for years. Since 2016, the popularity of this good audio book has continued and has repeatedly changed countless relationships with oneself and with others. The psychologist Stefanie Stahl has developed a method for working with the “inner child”.

The goal: to process the insults, beliefs and injuries experienced in childhood correctly and in the now Resolve conflicts with yourself and others, improve relationships and make friends with our inner child. Adults can also develop their basic and self-confidence and specifically tackle and solve many problems such as “inability to relate”.

Stefanie Stahl: The child in you must find a home (audio book)

Love Yourself: Guided Meditation on Self-Love

In addition to working with the inner child, suggestions and affirmations can also help to break through old patterns. Guided meditations offer a welcome opportunity to “reprogram” our subconscious, replacing harmful thoughts with positive and powerful ones. The result: Self-confidence and self-love are strengthened. This not only affects our well-being, but in turn facilitates our relationships.

The bestselling author Pascal Voggenhuber has a good one with “Love Yourself”. Audio book with guided meditations created for active use as well as for sleep phases. In addition to the meditations, the music in the audio book also has a calming effect and relaxes body and soul.

Love Yourself: Guided Meditation on Self-Love (Audiobook)

Good audio books for crime fans

The Joshua profile

Sebastian Fitzek’s thriller is about Anticipating crimes before they are committed. This procedure is called predictive policing and has enormous repercussions on the writer Max. Because of a crime that the law-abiding citizen knows nothing about and which he has not yet committed, his life is at stake.

Unforeseen events, many changes of perspective and one captivating plot inspire the listeners of “The Joshua Profile”. A good audio book for fans of exciting puzzles.

Sebastian Fitzek: The Joshua Profile (audio book)

The Second Face

Berlin in the 1920s: Chiara has not seen her sister Jula, a celebrated actress, for many years. Now she drives to her funeral and dives into one world full of mysteries. Due to her resemblance to the deceased Jula, Chiara is offered the role of the deceased sister in a film. She agrees and suddenly finds herself in the midst of eerie events, surrounded by lies and drugs. Dark secrets hide behind the dazzling acting life and Chiara suspects that her sister’s death was no coincidence.

The captivating thriller from bestselling author Kai Meyer takes us into a dazzling but also spooky Berlin. Told in detail and accompanied by specially composed music, you won’t want to take this audio book out of your head.

Kai Meyer: The second sight (audio book)

Good audio books that inspire


Smart, humble, empathetic and kind: this is how we met and loved Michelle Obama. And it is precisely these facets that the former First Lady of the USA also shows in her autobiography “Becoming”. She grants deep and very private insights into their lives and lets us participate in the political moments of a world power.

But of course, this audio book also contains many anecdotes about her privileges, celebrity acquaintances and her views as a black woman at the helm of a deeply divided America. Honest and down to earth tells, informs and inspires this good audio book.

Michelle Obama: Becoming on English or German (audiobook)

The Wisdom of a Yogi

Sadhguru combines two supposed opposites: deep spiritual wisdom and modern worldview. He moves with the times, inspiring millions of people on YouTube, at lectures and through his books. “The wisdom of a yogi: How inner change is really possible” is just one of many examples and a good audio book to go into yourself. In addition to Sadhguru’s deep insights into life, the audio book also contains many exercises that can bring about positive changes in us.

A good audio book with a lot of humor, substantial knowledge and practical help for a happier life.

Sadhguru: The Wisdom of a Yogi (Audiobook)

Good audiobooks for the inquisitive

Short answers to big questions

Stephen Hawking has provided many answers to countless questions throughout his career. As a theoretical physicist and cosmologist, he made a name for himself in science and also reached the mainstream. “Short Answers to Big Questions” is his final legacy. Dedicated to the past, present and future, this audio book contains Insights into the thinking of a brilliant scientist and optimists. A good audio book for anyone who wants to learn something. It not only contains knowledge, but also humor and encourages!

Stephen Hawking: Short Answers to Big Questions (Audiobook)

World history in stories

History fans will get their money’s worth with this audio book. It is informative, well told and exciting for both children and adults. The World history is thrillingly told from prehistory to the present. In addition to the fall of the wall, the beginnings of agriculture, great historical personalities, conquests and inventions, it is also about quiet moments that have shaped human history. A good audio book for young and old.

World history in stories (audio book)

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