Google is working on personalized voice recognition for its Assistant

Merouan Goumiri

May 31, 2022 at 5:45 p.m.


Google Assistant © Shuterstock

© Shutterstock

According to some clues, it seems that Google is currently working on a brand new feature for its Assistant. The goal? Seek to bind you more to him…

Months pass, and Google continues its efforts in voice recognition. New proof today with a clue unearthed by the teams of 9to5Googlewhich allows us to discover that the Mountain View company is currently working on a personalized voice recognition system.

Google Assistant: towards more advanced voice recognition?

Digging around in the code for the Google Assistant app following a recent update, the site 9to5Google discovered lines of code that mention personalized voice recognition. This would then allow users to see their audio recordings stored in the application. But for what purpose?

In practice, it would look like this: Google Assistant would store audio recordings of you on your smartphone (or other compatible device) so that it could, in the future, recognize what you say. By offering the possibility to its digital assistant to recognize the words and names that you pronounce frequently, Google wishes to offer a targeted experience based above all on your habits.

Obviously, and as very often with this kind of theme, the question of your personal data would then legitimately arise. In this regard, Google ensures that the recordings will only be stored on your device, and that they can be deleted as soon as the personalized voice recognition is deactivated.

At this time, no information has been shared about a possible rollout of this Google Assistant custom voice recognition and machine learning feature. And for that, it will certainly be necessary to arm yourself with a lot of patience…

On the same subject :
Learn how Google Assistant has learned to take the context of your requests into account

Source : XDA Developers

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