Google trends of 2021: The Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan makes history

Google Trends for 2021
The Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan makes history

The Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah Winfrey caused a lot of talk in March.

© imago / ZUMA Press

Google has published a list of special trends for 2021. According to her, a scandalous interview will go down in history.

The internet search engine Google presents different annual reviews every year. On Friday (December 10th) the online giant published 21 trendsthat “made the past twelve months special” and shed light on 2021 “from different perspectives”. Prince Harry (37) and Duchess Meghan (40) created a trend this year that even makes history.

Oprah Conversation Becomes Most Wanted Interview, “Wetten, dass ..?” and “TV total” top the list of TV shows

The search volume of the words “Meghan and Harry Interview”, which was trending in March at the time the couple’s Oprah Winfrey interview aired, made the conversation with the 67-year-old US talk show host the world’s most searched interview in the history of Google Trends. The youngest son of Prince Charles (73) and Princess Diana (1961-1997), together with his wife, provided a lot to talk about nine months ago. The couple spoke, among other things, about the strained relationship with the British royal family.

In the list of the most trending TV shows in Germany, two returnees made it to ranks one and two: On the one hand, the Saturday night classic “Wetten, dass ..?”, Which will be featured once again on November 6th the moderators Thomas Gottschalk (71) and Michelle Hunziker (44) flickered across the screens. On the other hand, the cult late-night show “TV total”, which was not revived by Stefan Raab (55) as a presenter, but has found an entertaining successor in Sebastian Pufpaff (44).

Increased awareness of climate change and willingness to donate after the flood disaster

A social trend can be seen in the search volume with regard to climate change. The question “What can be done about climate change?” was googled four times as often in 2021 as before. A trigger for the high level of interest, in addition to the new “Fridays for Future” protests, could have been the United Nations World Climate Conference, which met from October 31 to November 12 in Glasgow, Scotland – and thus took place geographically closer to Germany than in some years before.

Another reason could have been the devastating flood disaster in July of that year, which plunged western Germany, but also parts of Belgium and the Netherlands into chaos and was presumably aided by climate change. Heavy rain had ensured that rivers and streams became raging floods and numerous people were killed. In the Google Trends 2021, the extent of grief and compassion among Germans is reflected in the search term “donations”.

Hamburg searched for sustainability topics, Frankfurt and Munich for words with a financial reference

Local differences within Germany with regard to a high level of search interest are also interesting. The people in the big cities of Hamburg, Frankfurt am Main and Munich were therefore particularly keen on thematically different topics. In the metropolis on the Elbe, the term “sustainability” stood out, while in the financial center on the Main the subjects of “saving” and “inflation” were at the fore. The Bavarian capital was also looking particularly hard for a topic with a financial connection: In no German city was more interested in the term “crypto currency”.


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