government recommendations for the Christmas holidays

” Protect “ against Covid-19 “Without isolating” : the Deputy Minister in charge of autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, announced, Monday, December 20, new recommendations for nursing homes in the run-up to the holidays, calling for the deprivation of liberty of the elderly to be limited to what is strictly necessary.

“I want every resident to enjoy celebrating the holiday season with their loved ones, because I know how important they are. However, I do not want these essential moments of reunion to be ruined by [le] Covid-19 “, the minister said at a press conference.

Family groups have recently criticized the restrictions on freedom imposed by certain directors of establishments or regional health agencies (ARS): limited visits, PCR test required in addition to the health pass for lunch with relatives, etc. This would only affect a few, however. hundreds of structures out of 7,500, according to the Association of Directors in the Service of the Elderly (AD-PA).

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“Proportionate and temporary protective measures”

While a fifth wave is spreading and the very contagious Omicron variant is gaining momentum, the government is on a crest line: to stop the epidemic, without locking the elderly in nursing homes, as in previous ones. waves.

In the case of clusters, the directors “May be required to take proportionate and temporary protective measures”, said the minister. But she “Invite the directors” nursing homes to suspend visits and outings only so “Exceptional” and ” temporary “.

During the holidays, residents will be able to receive visits from their loved ones with the presentation of a health pass, go out with their family, participate in events or activities in the establishment, she promised. However, residents, their relatives and staff may be asked to present a negative test on their return to the establishment, even if they are not in contact, she said.

The first two waves of Covid-19 had caused a very heavy toll in nursing homes and resulted in visit restrictions. However, the severing of emotional ties has provoked in the elderly “A loss of the will to live, appetite, sleep, muscle strength and resulted in death”, noted Fabrice Gzil, deputy director of the ethical space of Ile-de-France, during this press conference.

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97% of residents and staff vaccinated

The situation is under control in nursing homes today, thanks to the vaccine that 97% of residents and staff have received – 85% of residents have even already received a third dose, as have 40% of staff, according to the ministry. The recall will be required on January 30 for all nursing staff.

Result: in the week of December 6 to 12, 975 positive cases were identified among residents of medico-social establishments, far from the 15,000 cases per week at the height of the second wave, according to the ministry. The Covid is the cause of 33 deaths among nursing home residents, against “Sometimes a thousand a week during the second wave”.

“Common law must apply and the suspension of visits and outings must remain exceptional. Brigitte Bourguignon’s recommendations go in the right direction ”, reacted in a press release Florence Arnaiz-Maumé, general delegate of Synerpa, union of private nursing homes.

“The Minister avoids the worst by reminding that there must be no more restrictive measures than those that already exist. But we regret that three positive cases make it possible to suspend visits and recommend the isolation of only positive people ”, declared Pascal Champvert, president of AD-PA, which brings together directors of establishments and home services. “In establishments where three cases of Covid will be detected, there will be no visit for Christmas or New Year’s Day”, he regrets.

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