Grandma’s kitchen tips: add a pinch of salt to every dessert…

Grandma’s kitchen tips
A pinch of salt for every dessert…

© Abrym / Shutterstock

Grandma’s kitchen tips still save us from many a cooking disaster when we oversalted something – or just can’t get the taste of a dish. Food tastes so much better with these grandmotherly tips…

Sometimes a very specific scent hangs in the stairwell. It smells of fresh onions, fried, of fat and warmth. One would love to ring the doorbell next door, under the illusion that one’s own grandmother would open it, invite one in and serve steaming fried potatoes.

Of course, you could also prepare the dish yourself. Unfortunately, it rarely tastes the way we imagined it in our heads. The lightness, the security, the memory of a time when you didn’t have to take care of your own meals but were taken care of by warm family members are missing. Apart from the extra portion of love and care that grandmothers and mothers like to put on food, there are quite a few kitchen tricks that we can learn from them – and thus get closer to the original taste of our favorite foods.

After all, almost every family has a few tips that are passed on from generation to generation and save us many a meal. They’re not just contingency plans for when we’ve slipped our hand with the salt (or fallen in love), but also little tricks and unfamiliar ingredients that we might never have thought of without the wise advice of our grandmothers.

10 kitchen tips from grandma that are still saving our food today

“You have to put the boiled boiled potatoes on the stove again after draining them, then the remaining water will evaporate and the potatoes will taste better!”

“When the potatoes are done cooking and the rest of the food needs a little more time, grab the pot and snuggle it in the duvet to keep it warm.”

“Yeast dough works best in bed under the covers.”

“Always add apples to red cabbage and a few chopped pieces of pineapple for sweetness.”

“A few knobs of butter in scrambled eggs – and if so, water and never milk to stretch it!”

“Tip for the perfect rice pudding: At the end, mix in a good dash of cream and leave to stand for five minutes with the lid closed and the stove switched off (does not work with induction).”

“Instead of apples, I prefer applesauce to the red cabbage”

“Simply grate a potato coarsely into salty food – and fish it out again after ten minutes.”

“A pinch of salt for every sweet dish and a pinch of sugar for every savory dish.”

And because there was always advice in the kitchen when you were heartbroken:

“There’s a lid for every pot!”


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