Grater skin: what really helps with keratosis pilaris?

Grater skin, white or red spots, on the upper arms is not particularly beautiful, but unfortunately a widespread cornification disorder. We explain what these pimples are and what you can do about grater skin.

What is grater skin (keratosis pilaris)?

Most of us will surely know the genetic skin change, grater skin, also known as keratosis pilarsis: these small, white or red pimples on the upper arms, legs, buttocks or even on the face. They look like goose bumps and feel rough like a grater, hence the name. The skin appears almost hairless in the affected areas. The pimples do not itch, do not hurt and in most cases simply disappear again. So what is it about the pimples?

In principle, everything is harmless: the so-called Grater skin, also called keratosis pilaris, arises when the hair follicles become blocked by keratin deposits. Instead of growing inconspicuously, sebum is deposited around even the smallest hairs. The reason: Block the sebaceous glands on the hair follicle. The hairs also often grow in, so that not only does the skin cells harden, but also the skin cells become inflamed.

Factors such as stress and dry air can also make the grater skin rougher.

Grater skin occurs particularly often for the first time in children and adolescents from the age of 10 years. Girls and young women in puberty are particularly affected by Keratosis pilaris. As a rule, the skin disorder resolves itself with increasing age. While some sufferers immediately notice the grater skin and find it annoying, others hardly notice it.

What are the causes?

The exact cause of the cornification disorder has not yet been fully clarified. However, it often occurs in connection with dry skin or in people suffering from skin diseases such as neurodermatitis.

However, it has been researched that grated iron skin is due to an overproduction of keratin. This is a protein that gives the body tissue stability and is also part of the outer layer of skin (horny layer) and also occurs in nails and hair. If the grater skin appears, the keratin clumps into small nodules. The consequence: The hair follicles can become clogged.

The chance that other family members occasionally suffer from grater skin is 30 to 50 percent.

How to treat grater skin?

Fortunately, the grater skin is not contagious, but it is very likely to be inheritable and not curable, because there is no generally effective treatment. That is why there is still no magic formula for the unsightly pimples. In most cases, however, the cornification disorder disappears over the years.

If there are signs of inflammation such as blushed and warm skin as well as itching and scratching, treatment against the grater skin is necessary. Thorough care several times a day is the be-all and end-all. Special moisturizers, moisturizing ointments, Peels and oils that contain salicylic acid, lactate, urea or vitamins can flush the excess keratin out of the skin and thus alleviate the symptoms if necessary. Urea binds the moisture in the skin, effectively counteracts cornification and soothes the skin. In any case, do without lotions, creams and Co. with fragrances and dyes.

Mild soap and moisturizing lotions can also have a positive effect on grater skin. However, the summer months can also help improve rough skin by increasing the level of humidity and sunlight. However, the cornification disorder will not go away completely. If there are no noticeable symptoms of the grater skin, no treatment is necessary.

If you experience additional symptoms in addition to the grater skin or there is no cure in sight, you should go to a dermatologist and have yourself examined to make sure that there is no other disease.

The following tips can also help against grater skin

Be sure to try several treatments for grater skin, because every body is and reacts differently.

  • Peeling with sea salt: Peels gently remove dead skin and care for the skin at the same time. Especially with grater skin, however, should not be used too often and only sparingly so that the skin is not unnecessarily irritated.

  • sauna: Affected people report that regular saunas help against grater skin. Sweating and detoxifying the body improves the complexion. In some saunas, it is also common to exfoliate with salt, for example, since the skin is well softened.
  • solarium: In summer, the grater skin is mostly improved by exposure to the sun, which of course is particularly lacking in the cold months. Visits to the solarium can help. However, this should only be enjoyed with caution, since the artificial sun promotes premature skin aging and the risk of developing cancer is increased.
  • nutrition: A balanced diet with many vitamins and nutrients as well as drinking enough (at least two liters a day and preferably water) is essential for a radiantly beautiful skin and thus also for grater skin.

We have great DIY recipes for do-it-yourself exfoliation. It also helps to apply a good amount of cream, especially dry skin – especially in winter! – promotes keratosis pilaris. We have other home remedies that can help against the pimples on the upper arm.

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