great news for fans of the Netflix series

The Daredevil Born Again series seems to live up to its name and come a long way. But fans of the excellent original series on Netflix can now be reassured about that of Disney.

In any case, this is what we can take away from a recent interview with Charlie Cox (Daredevil) and Vincent D’Onofrio (the Kingpin). Already present in the Netflix series, they shared some rather reassuring news regarding Daredevil Born Again.

Daredevil Born Again returns to its roots

For a long time, the Disney+ series Daredevil Born Again greatly worried fans. It was indeed a reboot, but with the actors from the excellent series on Netflix, with around ten years more. According to rumors, the two works had no connection between them. The new series seemed to be starting on unstable foundations, before the reboot itself was entitled to a reboot of its ambitions in 2023.

This is also what Vincent D’Onofrio (the Kingpin in the Netflix series, who reprized his role in Echo) noted during a presentation on May 14 at the Disney Upfront in New York. “ Daredevil Born Again originally had no connection to the Netflix series. Now there are plenty “. Starting with the return of the Punisher, played by Jon Bernthal. It was in fact via the Netflix series Daredevil that the anti-hero made his first appearance, before being entitled to his own dedicated series on the platform.

The confirmation that Jon Bernthal’s Punisher will return in Born Again has sparked a lot of excitement among fans. © Netflix

Finding balance for a blind superhero

It’s a very difficult balance to find. If you want to remake a series and call it Season 1, even though the original was a hit with fans, you have to do what people liked the first time. But you also have to find good reasons to reboot the show. So some things need to change a little. I think the showrunners did a great job. I hope the old fans will like it, and that new fans will join the family », Added Charlie Cox to his colleague’s comments.

True mortal enemies on screen, Vincent D’Onofrio and Charlie Cox seem to like each other a lot in reality and share the desire to offer a new Daredevil series that lives up to the original. In any case, the two actors seem delighted to resume their respective costumes as part of Daredevil Born Again. To see if this now promising reboot will satisfy fans of the original series, you will have to discover it in March 2025 on Disney+.

A return in great form for the blind superhero? Verdict in March 2025. © Netflix

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