Grégoire Margotton: “I’m not the type to put a heart rate monitor on my daughters”

The star commentator of TF1, the last winner of the general knowledge game Le Grand Concours, who returns on Saturday January 15 at 9:10 p.m. on TF1, confides in the year to come. And delivers, on the football side, his feelings about the France team.

Did you arrive in The Grand Competition with the pressure of the defending champion or the relaxation of someone who has already proven himself?

Gregory Margotton: I opt for the second solution! Of the TF1 shows that I watched, it’s one of those that has always made me laugh. There, I came back to it because it was for the benefit of Operation Yellow Pieces. Otherwise I might not have gone back. Because the end result is not very important.

Did this shoot give you the opportunity to talk football with Didier Deschamps, sponsor of the Yellow Pieces ?

Yes, especially since I’m working on a project in 2022… I’m preparing a documentary comparable to 98, secrets of a victory, which I had made in 2018. It will air just before the World Cup and will largely focus on Didier Deschamps.

In your opinion, does the France team have an extra soul since the return of Karim Benzema?

Benzema is a man and a champion at the service of others and of himself. It brings serenity and height. He doesn’t have to be a captain or shout very loudly to weigh. And the team made a qualitative leap thanks to him. When he retires, we will surely realize that he does not have many equivalents in French football. He won everything except the World Cup, which could crown his career in an exceptional way.

You say you want to practice journalism until the age of 75. Is this job an essential fuel to get you up in the morning?

No. I have five children and even without that, I would have enough to accomplish very beautiful things in my life. But I’ve been doing it for almost thirty years. I enjoy it, especially telling stories and taking planes to distant destinations. So as long as I can go on, I will…

Does the daily life of a father of a large family have anything in common with that of a football coach?

No, I’m still not the type to put a heart rate monitor on my daughters when they go to the park. The only common point between the two is to have a little authority over them… from time to time!


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