Grenoble Consternation after the death of a woman and her four children

“It was this smell that alerted us… A bad smell that had been floating in the hallway for several days but I just thought that someone had forgotten a trash can behind a front door or that a fridge had broken down with food in it. And then Friday, it was untenable. We understood that it came precisely from that apartment, ”says this resident of 5, allée des Frênes, in the Villeneuve district of Grenoble, showing the door of his neighbor on which seals were affixed by the police. the night before.

An overdoor in reality since the original one had to be forced open by the firefighters whom several worried neighbors finally resigned themselves to calling, Friday shortly after 9:30 p.m. “Was that the noise of the drill? “, is surprised another inhabitant of the third …

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