Gross Net Calculator 2022: What’s left of your salary

If you want to know exactly how much money is available for expenses in the next year, use the free German salary calculator. Just a few details are enough and you know exactly how much net of the gross you will get in 2022.

With the gross-net calculator, employees, civil servants and the self-employed can calculate their net income free of charge. Personal allowances or the special tax table for those who are not subject to social security contributions are taken into account.

Soli calculator: How much money you save

The solos have been history since 2021 – at least for around 90 percent of taxpayers. The federal government, on the other hand, continues to ask high earners to pay.

So the question for taxpayers is:

  • Am I one of the 90 percent who will benefit from the discontinuation or do I have to keep paying?

The soli is generally 5.5 percent of corporate or income tax. Since 2021, the following applies to taxpayers: singles who pay less than 16,956 euros in income tax a year no longer have to pay solos. For taxpayers who are assessed together as a couple, the limit is higher: Anyone who pays income tax up to a maximum of EUR 33,912 per year has been exempt from the solo since 2021. Both limits also apply in 2022.

Anyone who is above the limits mentioned does not have to pay the full 5.5 percent solo immediately. The legislator has stipulated a smooth transition after exceeding the exemption limits.

Only singles who pay more than 31,527.56 euros in income tax have to shell out the full 5.5 percent. For couples, the amount is 63,055.13 euros. From these income tax amounts, your solos also reach 5.5 percent.

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