Grow up – horror diagnosis – that’s why you shouldn’t go to Dr. ask google


Online searches for the causes of medical problems are becoming more common. Above all, the corona pandemic gave self-diagnosis with Googling a lot of momentum. It is therefore all the more important to check the sources.

The abundance of medical advice on the Internet is enormous. Therefore, it is also obvious to get information in case of health problems. In principle, this would make sense, but there is a high risk that a Google search will make the suffering even worse.

Here’s what to keep in mind when consulting Dr. Be sure to note Google:

• The main issue: If you search the Internet for a diagnosis, you will find it. This is exactly why you should refrain from blindly searching the Internet for the causes of your problem if possible.

Panic instead of certainty: What was actually intended to calm people down can all too quickly turn out to be the complete opposite. Since you can’t exactly narrow down your symptoms with a Google search (and usually don’t have enough specialist knowledge and experience with you), you quickly get horrific diagnoses such as colon cancer, although it’s just stress-related digestive problems.

• Also be aware that it is medically speaking not an answer to every question – consequently there is not a clear cause for every problem. Complaints often go away after a while without possibly finding out what exactly caused them.

• Google makes no difference between reputable and dubious providers; The only thing that counts for the search engine is how well the search results match your search query.

• People who have an ailment are often very receptive to simple explanations – the internet offers just such explanations. You therefore also run the risk of having an open ear for absurd theories far removed from any scientific basis.

• Especially with regard to the pandemic, many of the Corona vaccination for all kinds of symptoms responsible – without being sure that these symptoms would have occurred even without vaccination. One-dimensional inferences are rarely justified. The causes behind medical problems are usually more complex than many online reports suggest.

• It doesn’t have to be wrong to question official sources or to check the interpretation of figures more closely. But due to certain doubts dodgy reports from supposed experts believing doesn’t make any sense either. Questioning is good – but you should also be able to do this with your own skills.

• So before you believe any theories, you should check possible ones It is essential to subject clinical pictures and corona myths to a fact check and examine websites for an imprint or any references to sources.

Research can be painful. dr Google increases the risk that you will get stuck in a self-diagnosis, no longer take other causes into account and, in the worst case, even suffer psychosomatic pain.

• Better try yours Register symptoms as accurately as possible and possibly write it down. Limit yourself to body regions and do not automatically infer organs – you should leave such conclusions to medical professionals.

If your suffering becomes too great, it is best to consult a doctor. He can address your problem and advise you on further steps based on his knowledge and experience.

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