Guido Maria Kretschmer: Horrified at meeting the bitchy TV presenter

Guido Maria Kretschmer
Shocked by meeting a bitchy TV presenter

© C. Hardt / Future Image / imago images

Guido Maria Kretschmer is probably one of the most popular designers and TV faces in Germany. However, as the “Shopping Queen” host recently discovered, not only does it appear to be completely unknown to many a colleague, its charm also seems to bounce off.

Guido Maria Kretschmer, 56, moderator David Modjarad will answer questions in the “A Celebrity a Joker” format. One of the first questions already upsets the otherwise cheerful designer. When asked about the bitchiest model, an encounter occurs to him that still visibly horrifies him.

Guido Maria Kretschmer appalled by the encounter with a television award

“I wouldn’t even call it a model … Recently at the film award, a presenter from ARD or ZDF, whom I complimented, was very nice,” he remembers. Her reaction, however, was not at all nice. “Look at me and say, ‘Who are you?’ I say: “I wanted to make you happy. I’m Guido.” And then she says to me: ‘And what is that supposed to mean to me?’ “

“I would not have thought that you are so unfriendly”

On the other hand, he had never seen models bitchy, even though he had already worked with Naomi Campbell and many others. “That was a moderator from the public service”, the 56-year-old is still indignant about the incident and addresses a few words directly to the said lady in the camera: “Thank you for being so unfriendly, I would not have thought.”

However, the popular designer and moderator draws strict conclusions. “I don’t watch it either. Now it came, I switched off,” he reveals with a mischievous laugh. “Over, out!”

When asked when he’ll really get angry, Guido doesn’t have to think twice, thanks to this incident. “I got really angry because I thought it wasn’t supposed to. If you give someone a compliment from the bottom of your heart and then you get hit by them like that. Then I thought to myself: ‘Hey, are you still okay ?!’ “However, he was more shocked than angry.

Worst “Celebrity Shopping Queen”?

But he kept to himself which TV presenter it was. And he also kept a low profile on the worst “Celebrity Shopping Queen” candidate. In contrast to his brief encounter at the television award, however, he gave her his opinion after the show. “I was really horrified and also said to her after the show: ‘Honestly, you still have so much to learn in this life. You are really almost unbearable.”

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