Guido Maria Kretschmer: That’s the most important piece of advice when you’re struggling with curves as you get older

Guido Maria Kretschmer
The 3 most important steps on the way to loving your curves

© Christoph Köstlin / Guido

When curves appear, we usually eye them critically – instead of greeting them in a friendly way. Guido Maria Kretschmer has advice for all women who are currently dissatisfied with their bodies.

We have now learned that most ideals of beauty are completely unrealistic – or at least not suitable for everyday use. Since the body positivity movement we’ve finally been seeing more “normal” people, there’s curvy models and plus-size fashion, and they’re all good steps on the road to accepting and loving our bodies. But when we then stand in a popular fashion store and the pants get stuck between the knee and the bottom, even in size 42, self-love begins to falter again.

We know: Unfortunately, clothing sizes are still not based on the normal body measurements of a person, but often on those of the models who wear them. So hide it in a sack? Please don’t, says Guido Maria Kretschmer. He has received numerous questions from women struggling with their curves. The designer has some important advice for everyone – and a few styling tips to help you follow it.

3 steps to loving your curves


Because Guido Maria Kretschmer thinks: “The most important thing is that you accept it!“He thinks it’s quite normal when the stomach, legs, buttocks just get a little bigger with age (or earlier): “When rounding comes, it’s actually part of human DNA, you could almost say. Well, we are creatures made up of curves. It’s actually a basic shape, which isn’t a bad thing at first!”

Anyone who doesn’t love their body the way it currently is, always lives in the subjunctive – and it’s really a waste to keep waiting for one day to lose weight, do more sport or get slim.

show roundness

“Then it’s about moving this extra part of the body correctly”, Guido recommends as a second step in terms of love for curves. You shouldn’t adopt a relieving posture, you don’t have to hide anything while walking or sitting. Those who deal confidently with their own body shape can also show it off better: “It can actually be quite nice, especially for women, if they have a bit more hips and breasts, then a narrow, well-tailored skirt that is nice and tight can also do the trick sit, be exciting,” he encourages.

Avoid styling faux pas

Only now, after the two most important stages of acceptance and movement, would it be about fashion. Of course, the designer also has a few tips for everyday use: “Then there are a few more tricks: the sleeves are not too long that you can see a bit of ankles“Guido advises, as well as three other styling faux pas that you can simply avoid: “That you also look at the skirts so that they are not too long. That you don’t pull this eternal little hanger over it. And don’t wear clothes that are too tight, very, very important.”

So: do not despair if a few curves join us in the course of our lives. They want to be loved just like the rest of our bodies.


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