Guido Maria Kretschmer: This is how he brings spring into the house

Imitation desired!
This is how Guido Maria Kretschmer brings spring into the house

© Christoph Köstlin / Guido

Guido Maria Kretschmer has an eye for the beautiful things in life. In an interview, he revealed to us how he personally brings spring into his home – with tips to learn from.

Do you know those houses that you enter, stop for a moment and immediately ask yourself: Wow, how does he:she do that? Some people just have a very special sense of how to make rooms shine. Apparently they magically bring style into a home while still managing to incorporate the seasons decoratively without becoming too kitschy.

We are certain: Guido Maria Kretschmer is definitely such a person. After all, he not only has an eye for design in fashion, but also in interior design. In our interview, we wanted to know how he actually arranges himself privately. And tada – Guido did actually chat a little out of the Kretschmer box. We not only found out how he brings spring into the house himself, but also how we can easily imitate it.

Guido Maria Kretschmer’s top 3 for spring fever at home


“I’m a garden fan,” says Guido as the first thing. So he not only brings spring into the house, but also into the house: “I replace vases, put things on the terrace again and try to change things.” What shouldn’t be missing: “I really do it with flowers,” says the designer, who find space in his garden as well as fresh branches in the living room. He combines them with fresh spring flowers: “I sometimes bring in branches from outside, which I love very much, and put in long-stemmed tulips – or hyacinths, which also smell nice.”


Textiles can also get a taste of spring air at Guido Maria Kretschmer’s: “Inside, other slipcovers and cushions are placed on the main sofa, I also take off the curtains,” he explains. Instead of gray winter curtains, he uses white linen for the new season. Sometimes he doesn’t use them at all, in spring it often applies to heavy fabrics: less is more: “I make the house a little more casual, leave out the tablecloths.” His insider tip: different lampshades! Yes, these can also be swapped out depending on the season and so immerse your home in a whole new light.

From inside

Spring goes through the stomach. Finally, Guido Maria Kretschmer has a tip on how we can give ourselves spring fever – by adapting our eating habits to the seasons: “What I also do: shop a little differently again! Bring a bit of color into the kitchen with other vegetables, with that you can also get spring,” says Guido, and we think we can take a look at that. It’s more sustainable to live seasonally anyway!


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