Guido Maria Kretschmer: This is what a private lazy day at his home looks like

Guido Maria Kretschmer private
This is what a lazy day at his home looks like

© Gisela Schober / Getty Images

In winter we like to retreat to our home – and make ourselves comfortable. What does a lazy day look like at Kretschmer? Guido Maria Kretschmer told us that personally.

We see Guido Maria Kretschmer in studios, on catwalks, on the red carpet or at film premieres, for which he has recently even been interviewing Hollywood stars personally. What we like to forget: Even if the designer seems to be at home in public – he of course also has his very own, private realm.

For some time now, Guido has been living in Hamburg with his husband Frank and his five dogs. He usually keeps the way his home looks private, but we can always take a look at the Deko Queen and he presents us with one of his furnishings. In our last interview, we wanted to know more about it: What does Guido actually do when he’s not tailoring or is in front of the camera? And do he have free, rainy days that he likes to spend on the couch as much as we do?

Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals what a couch day looks like for him

Of course there are. And the designer prefers to start them in bed! “On free, comfortable days at home, I sometimes feel as if I were sick, I speak more slowly and more gently“, he admits with a laugh. Then he would make himself really nice, with fine trays on which silver jugs and porcelain and candles and pastry boxes are lined up.” I also like breakfast in bed, “says Guido Maria Kretschmer.

During the day it stays cozy when it comes from bed to couch: “I always turn on the fireplace. Dogs and the fireplace. I like it so much to lie there with the dogs and look into the fire”,Guido goes into raptures. He prefers it when the girls all cuddle up to him at the same time: “One of our bitches is almost like a therapy dog ​​- she always comes and hugs you! Very cute!”

Sounds like something out of a picture book. Finally, Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals a little detail that calms us down – he too has a guilty pleasure and yes, he too falls into binge-watching every now and then: “They could be monastic vocation stories or, for the twelfth time,” Sex and the City “(laughs).”

Monastic vocation histories? Well, we’ve never heard that before! In fact, he could spend hours looking at documentaries about monasteries. Well, we don’t judge anyone here, after all, almost everyone: r of us has a small, more or less bizarre TV preference. And it’s good to know that they don’t stop at celebrities either.


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