Guido’s thoughts: We want everything!

Ramp pig, little soul, world savior? Take our test and find out how you really tick. Then you get the all-round carefree package from us with everything that makes your life even better.

We brought you a test to find out what kind of guy you are. And you’re probably wondering what came out of me, right? I’m actually a bit of everything: a pragmatic world savior with a fine ramp pig gene, and a good soul hovers above everything.

How I wish I could sometimes be more resistant to the meanness of life. I don’t have a good system for shaking off injuries. And when the measure is full, there is no turning back. Then I make use of my message gene and say what always needed to be said!

By the way, we didn’t include one guy: the envious, the calculating one. Of course, there are also men and everything that fits between the sexes. Everyone knows such people. They are in many families, in the workplace, in the centers of power. These unfriendly contemporaries present us with the eternal task of not despairing of them. Maybe we have to grow with such people, I have no other explanation. Fortunately, there are many good people who enrich our togetherness every day. They are in the great majority, I firmly believe that!

Guido’s thoughts: That’s how the four guys tick

The ramp sow

Your personality: You will not be forgotten, that much is clear. You are like a butterfly, loved and admired by many. you are authentic You don’t do what you do to please others, you do it solely because you feel like it. This is how you set trends that are sometimes even a bit ahead of their time.

Your weak point: It can happen that your preference for beautiful, new things turns into a certain shopping addiction. And sometimes you smile, get excited and go forward – although you are actually sad and would like to be hugged.

learning stimulation: Even if your friends love you as an entertainer, learn to listen to yourself and others. how are you really what does your soul need Maybe you have one or two girlfriends with whom you can sometimes be weak or needy. Learn not to interrupt the other immediately and try the following sentence for yourself: I am valuable. With and without glamour.

The good soul

Your personality: You are a caregiver, a confidant, a good listener. All in all, the best friend you can imagine. Anyone who has you in their life can count themselves among the absolute lucky ones.

Your weak point: Sometimes you’re so busy trying to make everyone feel good that you forget about yourself. A thought that could be from you: “I don’t appear in my own life.”

learning stimulation: It is worthwhile for you to consider what your own personal sources of strength are. What activities do you draw energy from, are you completely with yourself and forget everything around you? While reading? In the sauna? At yoga? In the garden? Set aside at least an hour or two each week to just care for yourself. This will be your “sacred appointment”.

The Pragmatic

Your personality: You are a doer. Long discussions wear you down. You don’t chatter for long, you’d rather get started right away. And so you move a lot. In your life – and in that of others. If you had your way, you could easily have twice as many hours in your day. You love setting goals and ticking them off: Crossing the Alps and a half marathon are already on your bucket list.

Your weak point: You can hardly get down from your high energy level. After all, there is always something to do – and you often have the perfect solution in your head very quickly.

learning stimulation: If we keep revving too high, we’ll eventually become dissatisfied and restless. Ask yourself this question every now and then: “Who am I if I’m not doing anything?” Take the answer seriously.

The World Improver

Your personality: You want the world to be a better place. No more and no less. And you do a lot for that: you rely on fair fashion, pay attention to what you buy and always think about whether you need it – or not.

Your weak point: We all know that the change towards sustainability and climate protection is progressing too slowly. And that can be depressing. Sometimes you are so focused on this issue that you become desperate and downright dogged.

learning stimulation: Realize that you can do what is in your power – but no more. The Dalai Lama once said, “Peacekeeping begins with the individual being peace-loving and contented.” So feel free to be a dedicated role model, but don’t proselytize others too much.


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