Guilty of Capitol Storm: Biden calls Trump’s behavior “un-American”

Guilty of Capitol Storm
Biden calls Trump’s behavior “un-American”

The unbelievable happened a year ago: A mob stormed the Capitol in Washington. On the first anniversary, President Biden is cracking down on his predecessor. He called his tale of fraud, which was brought forward over and over again, “big lie”, a big lie.

A year after storming the Capitol in Washington, US President Joe Biden blamed his predecessor Donald Trump for the bloody attack on parliament. “For the first time in our history a president has not only lost an election, but has tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power,” said Biden in an anniversary address in the Capitol. “On this day of remembrance, we must ensure that such an attack never happens again.” Biden did not mention Trump’s name. Usually he holds back – like other former presidents – with open criticism of the predecessor.

The US Democrat criticized the then incumbent following the attack in the White House on television “and doing nothing”. The Republican has spun “a web of lies about the 2020 election”. Trump put his own interests above those of the USA. “His battered ego is more important to him than our democracy or our constitution. He cannot come to terms with the fact that he has lost.”

Trump supporters stormed the Capitol a year ago to prevent Biden’s November 2020 election victory being confirmed. Five people were killed in the attack. The attack on the heart of US democracy rocked the country. Trump had incited his supporters in a speech. He does not acknowledge his defeat, even almost a year after the change in power, and continues to claim that he was deprived of victory by fraud. He has no evidence of this. Dozens of lawsuits failed in court.

Biden called Trump’s fraud allegations a “big lie” on Thursday. Of his predecessor, he said, “He’s not just a past president. He’s a defeated past president.” Trump was inferior in a free and fair election. Addressing voters, Biden said: “The former president and his supporters have decided that the only way to win is to suppress your vote and undermine our elections.” That is “un-American”.

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