Guy Hoquet CEO accused of domestic violence, 3 women testify


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Stéphane Fritz, CEO of real estate agencies Guy Hoquet, is accused by three of his ex-companions of domestic violence. He will appear on January 7, 2021 at the Criminal Court of Créteil for “aggravated violence.”

The ex-companion of Stéphane Fritz, CEO of Guy Hoquettarget = “_ blank”>, just lodged a complaint for “aggravated violence”, we learn in Le Parisien. Eloane, producer, meets Stéphane Fritz in May 2020 on a dating site. He did not formalize their relationship until December. At first he seems considerate and caring with her. But very quickly, according to her, he is intrusive and intrusive. He wants to control his bank accounts, undertake work in his house … He is also jealous and paranoid. “He was convinced that I was sleeping with everyone” , she explains.

In May 2021,“Take care, this guy is sick. (…) I am warning you just for the day when you will have any doubt, do not have any”. But she is in his grip and could not manage to leave him. Until the day when she takes the plunge, in August 2020. Following the separation, Stéphane Fritz comes to see her at her home, taking as an excuse the need to return her keys. “In fact, she says , he wanted to see my cell phone so that I had cheated on him and that I was a whore. ” After accusing him of being “typed a lot of guys” , he becomes more and more violent with her. And when she pushes him away, he bites her right middle finger until it bleeds.“T-shirt I pulled on his, there was a tearing noise, he let go of my finger and called me crazy!” The door was open, I walked out into the garden and shouted. There he left “ , she adds.

A similar testimony from two other ex-companions

Two ex-companions give a similar testimony. Amanda * stayed with Stéphane Fritz for a year and during that time he allegedly tried to strangle her. Mélissa * had a 7-year relationship with the accused. Period during which he would have regularly humiliated and intimidated her. Especially when he cut his clothes with scissors and soil some of them with dog excrement. Both claim that, until they passed on as a couple with him, the accused was charming, caring and showered them with gifts.

According to the violentometertarget = “_ blank”> from the NousToutes association, repeated humiliations, manipulation and emotional blackmail are recurrent among couples, mostly heterosexual, where there is a situation of conjugal violence. They are warning signs that should not be ignored and you should not hesitate to ask for help if they arise.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can call 39 19 (free service available 24/7).

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