Hadrien Ghomi, elected with a 4-vote difference, wants to “work with all goodwill, left and right”

Hadrien Ghomi was elected deputy Together with only 4 votes ahead of his opponent NUPES. At 33, the one who learned alongside Senator François Patriat is fully akin to Macronism. It calls for putting labels aside to show responsibility.

Paris Match. How was your evening on Sunday, when did you know that you were elected deputy?
Hadrian Ghomi. We waited for confirmation from the prefecture. I feel like I was in a time warp, I knew I was elected around 8:30 p.m. I was always in front throughout the evening. It was validated by the prefecture, there was no recount, the results were signed and validated by all the political parties recognized in each city of the constituency. Arnaud Bonnet (his opponent Nupes in the second round) is currently checking the minutes to see if the signatures are in order. The judge will decide whether there should be a recount or not. But recounting can also widen the gap…

You were the collaborator of François Patriat, senator and president of the LREM group in the Senate. What did you learn from him?
I learned the importance of territorial anchoring, the importance of the field, of being present for the actors of civil society. We are a relay between Paris and the territory. I was Secretary General in charge of coordinating legislative activity, which gave me a detailed knowledge of Parliament.

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François Patriat comes from the left. Could you say that Emmanuel Macron’s left wing seems to be struggling more than ever with these results in the legislative elections?
I am the macronist wing. I was a strausskahnien, it was someone responsible Dominique Strauss-Kahn. I think that if there hadn’t been this story in New York, he would have recognized himself in Emmanuel Macron’s approach.

What would you advise Emmanuel Macron to be able to govern with a majority?
I have no advice, he is much more competent than me. His will is to work with all goodwill, left and right. We want to move forward with those who are not in systematic opposition, to welcome those who compromise on the texts. We must stop this media posture on the part of the Nupes. It’s communication, when you see how it evolves, you realize that they are not really welded. The rebellious and RN opposed everything, even the themes that are close to their hearts, we are not in convictions but in posture. At the Republicans and the Socialists, there are responsible people to go in the right direction.

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Is Elisabeth Borne the right profile to embody the gathering?
She is legitimate, she was appointed Prime Minister, she managed to win in her constituency. I think she is capped, she does not arrive there by chance. On the merits of the files, it will be an excellent Prime Minister. We want to move the country forward, so let’s get to work. I met French people who didn’t care whether such and such a measure is left-wing or right-wing. People have concerns, it is imperative to address them.

Damien Abad from LR entered the government and was re-elected deputy. Sandrine Rousseau promised heckling for the minister during his speeches in the National Assembly. Are you going to support him despite the accusations against him?
There is a justice to decide these subjects, it is not up to Mme. Rousseau to decide instead justice. Justice must do its job. We must remember that there is the principle of presumption of innocence.

Eric Dupont-Moretti made foot calls to the RN on set Sunday evening, evoking the idea of ​​”moving forward together” with the National Rally. What is your point of view ?
All the goodwill are welcome. If Nupes or RN deputies believe that, on certain measures, things are going in the right direction… You must not be in a position. If people show responsibility, we are not going to complain about it. Put the labels aside.

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