Halemba demo canceled: Organizer cancels solidarity rally for AfD politicians

Halemba demo canceled
Organizer cancels solidarity rally for AfD politicians

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A Bavarian AfD member of the state parliament is being investigated on suspicion of incitement to hatred. An executed arrest warrant is suspended. Sympathizers are organizing a solidarity event for the 22-year-old. But the party is apparently pushing for it to be removed.

The planned solidarity rally for the AfD politician Daniel Halemba in Würzburg, who is being investigated for incitement, has been canceled. “The organizer himself canceled it,” said a spokesman for the Lower Franconia police headquarters. Therefore, only a few participants in an announced counter-demonstration were present on site.

The politician was elected to the Bavarian state parliament on October 8th. He was then wanted by the police for days with an arrest warrant on suspicion of incitement to hatred and using the symbols of anti-constitutional organizations. However, a district court later suspended this against certain conditions. This meant that the 22-year-old, who denies all allegations, was able to take part in the plenary session of the state parliament on Tuesday.

The cancellation of the rally was based on a decision by the Bavarian regional association of Junge Alternative for Germany, the federal association of the AfD youth organization announced on Facebook. According to information from the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, the Bavarian AfD leadership had called for a cancellation.

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