half of relationships end because of specific disgust

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A dating site has analyzed the main deal breakers. Half of the respondents seem to be particularly put off by a very specific element.

Online dating sites have totally disrupted romantic relationships. QWhether it’s access to diverse and varied profiles or the evolution of mores, we no longer seek love in the same way as twenty or thirty years ago. In general, research requirements seem to have increased with these new dating methods. The Seeking site carried out a study with 2,000 British participants in order to find out the main disruptive factors. Today, it is no longer surprising to hear that relationships end for reasons that could have seem trivial or unimportant at the time. For example, one in eight think their partner’s body odor is a valid reason for breaking up.

About 15% of respondents also believe that foul language or an authoritarian temperament is off-putting enough to part with a person. But still, 11% also affirm “being disgusted to see someone clapping when a plane lands” while 12% have already ended a relationship “with a person obsessed with astrological signs”. However, more than half of the participants seem to agree on a particularly repulsive attitude, which often seals the point of no return.

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What is the most common reason for breaking up according to the Seeking site survey?

For 56% of participants questioned, it is impossible to continue a relationship with a person who would have stood them up, for no good reason is that he is neither reliable, nor courageous, nor honest. Not far behind, 53% of respondents say they have already left someone without being able to explain the reasons. Question of hooked atoms or of feeling, one can suppose. “People are very driven by what they want, which is empowering”explains the spokesperson and dating expert on Seeking, Emma Hathorn before qualifying her remarks: “The current trend in dating right now is to find someone who can enhance and elevate their own lifestyle. It’s essential to keep an open mind because you can find someone who elevates your life in every way possible, even if they’re wearing terrible shoes.”

Social-lifestyle journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, Marjorie can both talk about the royal family and the latest series… What she likes is telling facts, deciphering the smallest details…

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