Hangover: the more-than-perfect menu


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How beautiful she was the night before. But when you wake up, it’s much harder. Don’t panic, we finally have the more-than-perfect hangover menu.

She is our worst enemy after our drunken evenings. It haunts us for a day… When we wake up, our head is about to explode, we always repeat ourselves ” Never again “ and yet temptation will take hold of us again. Did you know that hangovers are born when alcohol levels drop in the blood and reach their cruel peak when blood alcohol levels drop to zero. The symptoms are diverse and unfortunately recurrent, from nausea to dizziness through a capricious stomach… And above all, a huge thirst!

Fabienne Pommera, dietician-nutritionist in Paris, explained, for our colleagues of Marie Claire, this phenomenon : “A hangover is caused by the fact that we are going to have trouble retaining water. It could be related to dehydration or being withdrawn. ” A roller coaster has just taken possession of your belly? There is only one solution: eat.

Goodbye junk food and saturated fat

The day after a drunken evening, everyone has their rituals for “Mop up” damage to the body. Often, we fall back on junk food, from burgers to pizzas or on an indecent pasta dish. But according to Marie Claire, this habit would be completely unnecessary and counterproductive. This alcohol + saturated fat combo, terrible for the digestive system, tends to exhaust it even more. It is Russian roulette in the body: this “shit-meal” can amplify nausea and bloating, and also cause vomiting.

So, even if that does not make you dream, to recover as quickly as possible from the excesses of the day before, it is necessary to opt for healthy and light products. According to the nutritionist, we replace the usual coffee with a herbal tea with ginger or chamomile, because the caffeine would tend to dehydrate and amplify the headaches. Goodbye pastries and other cakes, citrus juices, soft drinks and even dairy products, all of which represent a test of titans for digestion. Make way for waterlogged vegetables; welcome zucchini, tomatoes, celery or carrots on the menus. Then, you need wholemeal pasta, rice, potatoes, semolina, to satisfy the hunger of a wolf!

The best drink ever? Water of course!

One last piece of advice for a less difficult tomorrow: drink water between each glass of alcohol to fight against dehydration… Which also makes you drink less alcohol. Finally, a little miracle food: the nashsi pear. According to a study carried out by CSIRO, it reduces the alcohol level in the blood from 16 to 21% depending on the metabolism. And of course, the best way to avoid a hangover is to drink in moderation. Because even with less (or without!) Alcohol, the party is very crazy …

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