Happy with over 50: 5 tips for more satisfaction in old age

Happy with over 50
5 tips for more satisfaction in midlife

© oneinchpunch / Adobe Stock

The older we get, the more difficult life becomes? It doesn’t have to be that way at all. Because we can enjoy our life and be satisfied with it even into old age. These strategies can help.

Some things become more difficult the older we get. Our bodies may no longer be as fit in our 50s and 60s as they were in our late 20s, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up our joy of life. On the contrary: in many aspects, the best time of life is just beginning. Those who have children now generally have more time for themselves – and perhaps grandchildren who bring great joy. We know who we are and our self-confidence reflects exactly that.

But if you find yourself caught up in the blues every now and then in the second half of your life, these tips can help you to be content and happy well into old age.

Happy in old age: These tips will make people over 50 happy

1. Dare to try new things

What is true when we are young is something we can always remind ourselves of when we are 50: leaving our own comfort zone occasionally broadens our horizons, allows us to grow internally – and thus keeps us satisfied in the long term. So stay curious and incorporate little adventures into your everyday life. Maybe you just take a different route to the subway or the supermarket and discover something new. Or instead of going on vacation to the same country over and over again, try out a completely different way of traveling.

© Brigitte

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2. Find tasks

People want to feel needed and valued. This is just as important in our youth as it is in our thirties or in our fifties, sixties and seventies. Even if retirement is approaching or we are no longer working (for a living), we can look for tasks that fulfill us. This can be looking after the grandchildren, if there are any, or we can take on voluntary work. Maybe we can also get involved in our immediate community and support our neighbors. Not only can this help us maintain a sense of meaning and purpose, but it also prevents loneliness.

3. Don’t let boredom arise

But not only for others, but also for and with ourselves, we can look for activities that challenge us. Maybe you’ll find a whole new hobby or project that’s fun and fills your time with something meaningful. Some people have wanted to play an instrument all their lives – maybe now is just the right time to get a guitar. Or you like painting, crafting or knitting. The main thing is that it brings you personal joy and possibly gives you a goal to work towards.

4. Challenge the mind

Speaking of challenging the mind: According to one study People who read a lot live longer – up to seven years on average. If you like to bury your nose in a book anyway, you should definitely continue to do so. And if you simply haven’t had enough time in the rush hour of life or perhaps haven’t yet found the right genre for your own reading pleasure – now is exactly the right time to start!

5. Stay fit

But it’s not just our head that needs a certain level of fitness so that we can live a long and happy life – of course we also have to actively keep our body healthy. Those who exercise too little have a higher risk of death throughout their entire lives. But especially in the second half of life it becomes particularly important that we are physically active. Not only so that we feel better physically and live longer – but also so that we are more content and happier.

Sources used: geo.de, theguardian.com, theatlantic.com


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