Harry and Meghan: couple published last Royal Post on Instagram

The final "Megxit" countdown has started. Tomorrow Tuesday will be the last day for Prince Harry (35) and Duchess Meghan (38) as senior royals. Then the two officially resign from their royal duties. The couple already said goodbye to his over eleven million followers on Instagram. On Monday evening, the two posted personal farewell greetings that give hope and courage in times of the coronavirus pandemic.

The couple is working on their future

"As we can all feel, the world seems extremely fragile at this moment. However, we are confident that everyone has the potential and opportunity to make a difference," said Harry and Meghan, who say their royal Let the title fall under the table.

At the moment the most important are "the health and well-being of all people around the world" and "the search for solutions to the many problems that have arisen as a result of this pandemic". Harry and Meghan apparently do not want to remain inactive during these times.

As the US magazine "People" quotes a spokesman, the couple plans to "spend the next few months concentrating on their families and continuing to do everything they can to support and work with their existing nonprofit relationships." ". The two would also work to further develop their "future non-profit organization".

Thanks to the "great" community

When and where fans of the British Royals will hear from Harry and Meghan next time is unknown. According to the spokesman, the Instagram page "sussexroyal" and the website "sussexroyal.com" will remain online, but will no longer be used from April 1, 2020. Accordingly, the post was probably the last of the couple on Monday evening. The two say goodbye.

"Many thanks to this community – for their support, inspiration and shared commitment to the good in the world," they write. "We look forward to getting in touch with you again soon. You have been great!"