Harry and Meghan: How they frustrated royal life

Harry and Meghan want to find their happiness away from the British royal family. They deliberately made life difficult for them in the palace.

"I don't need that film moment where we step out of a car and wave to hundreds of photographers before we enter a building." Prince Harry (35) is said to have lost these words to friends, according to the accounts of journalists Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand in the new book "Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of A Modern Royal Family". At the weekend, the first excerpts from it were published in the "Times", showing how broken the relationship between Harry and Meghan (38) to the British royal court is supposed to be.

Popularity was said to cause problems

In January 2020, the couple announced they would turn their backs on the royal family. Then on April 1st it was ready. But what had driven Harry and Meghan to the so-called Megxit? Mainly frustration, according to the reports. The two are said to have been disappointed with how they were treated by the royal family and the court staff.

According to the couple's supporters, Harry and Meghan would have brought the monarchy to "new heights around the world". However, they were not thanked for this. Instead, they should have been put back and were "pushed into the background" by high-ranking royals such as Prince Charles (71) or Prince William (38). The couple were not allowed to outshine the rest of the family with their popularity, "The Sun" quotes a passage from the published chapters.

"I gave up my whole life for this family"

There is also talk of power struggles and distrust among the members of the royal family. According to the "Daily Mail", which also took up the reports, Harry had always felt that the palace officials "simply did not like Meghan and would not shy away from anything to make her life difficult". The 38-year-old had clearly felt the lack of support in the palace. The book quotes her: "I gave up my whole life for this family. I was ready to do whatever was necessary. But now we are here. It is very sad."

Harry and Meghan have not made an official contribution to the book, which will be published on August 11th. The reports that Scobie and Durand wrote down are only based on statements from friends and acquaintances of the couple.
