Harry and Meghan: Which social project they support after the Royal-Aus

Harry and Meghan
Which social project you support after the Royal-Aus

Harry and Meghan stand up for the well-being of others – even after the "Megxit".

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Harry and Meghan may have given up their offices, but not their social streak. You continue to advocate for Commonwealth Nations.

Harry (36) and Meghan (39) are no longer working members of the British royal family due to the completed "Megxit". However, this does not affect your social commitment. As has now become known, with their non-profit organization, the Archewell Foundation, they have made a major contribution to ensuring that the Commonwealth nation of Dominica can be adequately supplied with food in an emergency.

The non-profit organization World Central Kitchen explained on Instagram, among other things: By working with Harry and Meghan, communal aid centers could be built in precisely those regions that are often affected by climate and natural disasters. The island nation in the Caribbean is one such. The first aid center has now been set up in a school, including kitchen appliances that are powered by solar energy.
