Harry & Meghan (Netflix): “Happy to lie…”, these incendiary words from Harry in the series

The documentary Harry & Meghan continues to be talked about. In the new trailer unveiled this Monday, December 12, Prince Harry makes rather carabineer remarks on the media.

After the broadcast of the first three episodes of the documentary Harry & Meghan, last December 8 on Netflix, the sequel and end of this explosive mini-series will be unveiled on December 15. In the meantime, a second official trailer was released on Monday, announcing a whole series of startling revelations in this second half of the documentary. But as the shock phrases multiply in this new trailer, one of them particularly caught the attention of the public, and it is to Prince Harry that we owe it. “They were happy to lie to protect my brother. They never wanted to tell the truth to protect us, us“, loose the Duke of Sussex, while remaining evasive on the identity of “They”. And while the video montage suggests an image of Buckingham Palace at this precise moment, – hinting that the prince could be talking about the family royale – Netflix seems to have wanted to rectify the situation by offering a second version of the trailer in which “They” is replaced by “British media“, clarifying to whom Prince Harry is making these accusations. What exactly is he referring to when he refers to the protection granted to his brother? Are these rumors of infidelity about William? In which case, the eldest of Charles and Diana has also had his share of fat cabbage. The same question arises regarding “the truth” which Harry speaks about his relationship with Meghan Markle. Is he referring, for example, to the accusations of racism made against the Crown during his explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021? Perhaps Prince Harry will back up his words more in the last three episodes…

Meghan Markle: “I was eaten by wolves”

And the father of Archie and Lilibet is not the only one to use incendiary revelations. If he utters meaningful phrases such as “destructive institutional manipulation“, his wife, Meghan Markle, is also throwing her little stone into the pond. “I wasn’t fed to wolves, I was eaten by wolves“, she launches, enigmatic. Several spectators had been disappointed by the first three episodes, which did not contain enough explosive revelations for their taste. It would seem that their expectations are finally fulfilled by this second half of the documentary which is explosive announcement. Verdict on December 15!

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