have teachers received toxic masks?

Deemed ineffective, the masks distributed to teachers could also be toxic. At issue: silver zeolite, a substance that is harmful on prolonged contact.

On September 8, Emmanuel Macron was choking in full speech, while wearing a DIM brand mask … identical to those distributed to teachers. Enough to fuel criticism of these "gifts" from National Education, distributed in insufficient quantities (only five per person), badly cut and not offering sufficient protection according to some Regional Health Agencies. Now they are accused of toxicity, following a Reporterre survey published on October 13, 2020.

The site notes that the masks are treated at the silver zeolite, a biocide considered toxic to human health and the environment. Biocides are products intended to destroy or neutralize harmful organisms, and which are present in human or animal hygiene products (disinfectant, cat litter, insecticides, repellents, etc.). In the case of DIM masks, silver zeolite is used to neutralize viruses and bacteria.

Silver zeolite, harmful to humans and nature

Problem: This substance, which does appear on the composition label, is not without risk to humans. Astrid Avellan, researcher specializing in nanotechnologies, explains to Reporterre: "The risk of wearing these masks is not non-existent. Silver ions are generally more toxic than metallic silver nanoparticle equivalents. In addition, we have here a high level of exposure, very 'intimate', with a long and chronic duration of contact and inhalation ". Masks are in fact worn four to five days a week, for 8 hours of class … Another problem noted by Reporterre: in 2018, the European Chemicals Agency published a note estimating that silver zeolite, "likely to impair fertility", is also "Very toxic to aquatic organisms" and "has long-term adverse effects".

As France Inter reminds us, the ARS is now urging the government to equip teachers with surgical masks, which are more effective but for the moment reserved for caregivers.